


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2006
I haven't visited the fishing forum for awhile because I haven't been fishing in PA, but yesterday I went on a scouting trip to Erie, so I figured I'd share my observations..

I checked out the mouth of Trout Run, and was pleasantly surprised to find that some steelhead have arrived. Also checked out the lower end of Walnut and you could see several in the usual spots. I didn't check out Elk because of the construction on the road to the ramp. I discovered that a couple weeks ago on a previous trip.

The cold nights have definitely brought some in, but with the low water, I doubt they are very far upstream yet. If we get the rain that is in the forecast, this will soon change.

Also saw several deer at the nut while I was walking my dog. A yearling was standing in some guys yard and just stood there watching as we walked past. My old dog didn't even see it.

I have gone fishing, just not in PA. We had a nice perch dinner last week, and I didn't even have leave the property to catch them.

Farmer, you been around? What ever happened to a guy up that way, Bob Petri? Been a long time!
I see Petri from time to time. He's retired and living in Erie County and fishes more for WW species than he does for trout these days. Like Dave, from time to time, he enjoys a locally sourced dinner of perch (or crappie) that he caught himself.

Do you know him, Max?
Forecast keep changing. As time moves forward, the forecast seems to be getting dryer. Still might rain early next week, but not s sure thing at this point.
Thank you for the report that helps a lot. Just to pick when to go now
need more than shower it is really dry my bushes and ornamentals are wilting.
>>need more than shower it is really dry>>


I was on 79 today and as it was kind of breezy, I was surprised to see what appeared to be a bank of fog when I crossed Elk at McKean. Turned out it wasn't fog after all; it was just the wind stirring up the dust where the creek used to be..:)

We need a lot of rain.
It started raining here about a half hour ago, and I live about an hour SW of Erie. If they are not getting it up there, they will be soon, Not raining hard yet, but it is steady.

I hit my pond in the woods yesterday, and it had dropped another 6 inches or so. It's probably down about 4 feet. It was built on shale so it always drops a lot by this time of year. It isn't the lowest I've seen it, but getting close.
yay rain!!!

I live in Millcreek just west of Erie, right next to Walnut creek. Started raining hard at 9:15 PM, lasted about 7 minutes, then reverted to moderate rain for the next half hour. Now its picking up again. I'd estimate well over .5 inches already. Should have a big impact on the steely streams. But I don't really care much about them, more into west-central PA trout fishing. I hope you all get heavy rain to the east, but the heavy stuff further south in this band seems to be petering out some. Do your rain dance!
Sharknado5 wrote:
yay rain!!!

I live in Millcreek just west of Erie, right next to Walnut creek. Started raining hard at 9:15 PM, lasted about 7 minutes, then reverted to moderate rain for the next half hour. Now its picking up again. I'd estimate well over .5 inches already. Should have a big impact on the steely streams. But I don't really care much about them, more into west-central PA trout fishing. I hope you all get heavy rain to the east, but the heavy stuff further south in this band seems to be petering out some. Do your rain dance!

I don't have a rain gauge, but it sounds like you got more rain than me. I woke up this morning at about 6 and the deck was already nearly dry.
Still very dry up here with foliage moving to prime. Look for the leaves to fall this week into next.
Fish are still very low in the streams or still in the lake.
I'm looking at taking my wife up for our first ever steelhead trip. Never flyfished Erie before but I've heard about it from dad for so many years that I can't wait to try. Only problem is, my dad only did day trips, never camped. I'm driving from Philly so day tripping isn't in the cards.

I have a pop-up A-frame pull behind camper. I assumed I'd be fishing Walnut or Elk as they are the two major rivers I've heard about, but I'm open to exploring whoever I can get access. I'm hoping to do a long weekend in early November (Saturday-tuesday). But where can we stay? I checked out some of the campgrounds like Erie KOA and West Haven RV, but everywhere seems to close down mid to late October. Folly's doesn't list a close date on their website so they are a possibility. Are there any campgrounds open in November? If I can't get electricity to heat the camper it'll be a no-go with the wife. ...or am I missing something? Do all the campgrounds close because winter moves in and the fishing shuts down?

Help me out here fellas, I don't want to have to wait till February to get a shot at my first steelhead and my wife is so ready for a break from the kids that she is even willing to try fishing. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Bocianka1 wrote:
I'm looking at taking my wife up for our first ever steelhead trip. Never flyfished Erie before but I've heard about it from dad for so many years that I can't wait to try. Only problem is, my dad only did day trips, never camped. I'm driving from Philly so day tripping isn't in the cards.

I have a pop-up A-frame pull behind camper. I assumed I'd be fishing Walnut or Elk as they are the two major rivers I've heard about, but I'm open to exploring whoever I can get access. I'm hoping to do a long weekend in early November (Saturday-tuesday). But where can we stay? I checked out some of the campgrounds like Erie KOA and West Haven RV, but everywhere seems to close down mid to late October. Folly's doesn't list a close date on their website so they are a possibility. Are there any campgrounds open in November? If I can't get electricity to heat the camper it'll be a no-go with the wife. ...or am I missing something? Do all the campgrounds close because winter moves in and the fishing shuts down?

Help me out here fellas, I don't want to have to wait till February to get a shot at my first steelhead and my wife is so ready for a break from the kids that she is even willing to try fishing. Any advice would be much appreciated.

i want to say uncle johns will be open still. don't count out getting an airbnb either. a friend said they were fairly decent priced recently

visit Erie
site has links for lodging, and campgrounds.
I spoke with Uncle John's today. They will probably be open, but it depends if they have an early winter and the pipes freeze up, in which case they close down for the winter. Since they don't do reservations, they said to just call them before heading up there to make sure they're open. Not the most reassuring way to plan a trip, but at least it is something.

I'll check Visit Erie out too to see if I can find something more definite. Thanks for the suggestions fellas.
Take a look at Uncle Johns web cams.

I had my truck professionally detailed yesterday and them parked it outside last night.

You are welcome.

I normally wouldn't have left it outside, but after a fall on Monday, I didn't get that side of the garage cleared out. I'm alright, but will be limping for a few more days. Buy stock in BIOFREEZE.
Wow, nice flows! Surely will bring some in right?
CRB, just in case you aren't joking and for any others, I saw that at first also but it's something wrong with their site showing an old static image from 1/1/20.

If you actually click on the camera, it shows the live flows of today.
DanL wrote:
Wow, nice flows! Surely will bring some in right?

No doubt.

I've been on a few scouting trips, in the past couple weeks. Lake is still high, allowing quite a few into the lower stretches, but flows were very low so I doubt they made it very far upstream. With the current flow, I'm sure they are off to the races for a few days. But I'll bet the flows will drop almost as quickly as they came up.
