Steelhead rod and Reel ?

  • Thread starter jandmcustomlures
  • Start date
Lmao !

gfen wrote:

Unacceptable! Your 3wt rod must be matched to titanium-scadium frame forged with Mjolnir in the forge of Hephaetus. The drag must consist of aerospace grade carbon fiber and ceramics, vented and ported to maximize heat sink abilities and capAble of no less than 80# of drag pressure, the entire thing should be doused in the blood of unbaptised babies placed inside a whale vagina and then boxed by 72 virgins inside a box composed of the bones of Christian martyrs*.

Because trout fishing is serious business, and no one could catch a fish bigger than 15" prior to 1992.

(* - also applies to Hardy reels made in Alnwick)
Thanks for all the great leads. I do agree with most here I do not want to buy somthing thats so nice your afraid to fish with it. Falling while fishing winter Steel tends to happen more than wanting it to happen. I have took a few rides down a bank or two myself. luckily never in the water ( knocking on wood ). Thanks for the great input much appriciated.