aight buddy calm down lmao. how are you this worked up over an idea haha,Tell us you know nothing about how ecosystems work without actually telling us you know nothing about how ecosystems work.
If I understand the gist of this thread, you essentially want the equivalent of your own aquarium you can stock with non-native fish so you can fish it. So you’ve made up some theory that’s putting non-native fish in waters where they do not exist can have positive effects. Other than potential recreational enjoyment (i.e., catching stocked fish), what positive effects do you imagine come from introducing invasive species in a body of water where they currently do not exist? Just because there’s “like nothing big in the water dude” that does not justify introducing an invasive species into a body of water AND certainly not doing so on your own accord. Just because there’s “like nothing big in the water dude” that does not mean you get to just dump a few buckets of your preferred gamefish into a stream (or any body of water) without the need for actual scientific study of the impact on the species that currently inhabit that body of water! For the love of god, have we learned nothing from the past 150+ years.
* I don't want my own aquarium, I don't know where you find such an accusation. All I'm trying to do is add to these waters which have seemingly once been filled with life.
* What you don't seem to understand is our own living and taking over of land has already impacted the "natural" essence of the water. For example, if there ever were native trout in this area, they could have been driven out due to humans. We already change nature.
* Like I said, I have been monitoring the pH, depth, width, species of fish, bugs, etc etc. Im not blindly doing anything, in fact all I have been doing is preparing for the possibility of stocking it. I have spoken with different PFBC officials for months now and closely looked at the laws, rules, and guidelines regarding stocking. When I say "there's nothing big in the water", I mean there's nothing more than minnow, and creek chub, no larger fish that are spawning right now.
To say I don't know about how an ecosystem works is undoubtably a fact, but I'm learning and along with learning I'm trying to stock the waters within legal guidelines if all tests come pack positive.