Spring is 20 days early

pcray1231 wrote:
We probably got 7 or 8 inches of ice pellets here, on the ridge above Coatesville. Weird stuff. Crystal clear tiny marbles. Doesn't pack, cept to the shovel, thanks to a sneaky wet snow layer on the bottom. Flows like sand. Yeah, mixing line came further up than expected and ruined our totals. I'm hearing they got considerably more to our north.

I can verify that this 7 or 8 inches weighs as much as 15 or 20 inches of snow. Good Lord it's heavy. Like concrete (well, more like, uh, sand). My arms feel like silly putty. While I do not have a blower, I can also confirm it wouldn't have helped much. The neighbors' blowers appear not to like this stuff. Some are having a slow going. Others gave up and got out shovels, only to realize that ain't working much better.

The pellets are called Graupel.
Biker, no. Graupel balls are white. As your link shows, super cooled water accrediting on snow.

This was technically ice pellets. Snow melted on way down, and refroze. Not unlike sleet.


We got about 8 inches in Hagerstown... Glad to see it and I hope it melts slowly allowing the streams to refresh with water a bit... Here's to a nice wet spring... We still need it!!!
It's too bad about the timing of it all IMO.
We had such nice weather all winter. The few times it did snow a little, it warmed right back up again, and melted it all away.
Now we seem to be getting the longest, coldest stretch of the whole season - right when there are/were BWO's hatching
A good bit of melt off around here yesterday afternoon, but still several inches on the ground.

Yep, definitely a strange season. This is the time of year I typically start bass fishing!
22 inches of snow just buried spring!!
pcray1231 wrote:
Chaz, this is not an El Nino year. That was last winter. We are in a mild La Nina. Also, other than the aspects shared by most nor'easters (coastal low with HP blocking), this is not a similar setup. 58 is not in the top 20 analogs. The top 2 analogs, if wondering, are 2007 Valentine's day storm and the 1993 "storm of the century". And while yes, a midwest storm transfers to coast (Miller B), this is more a hybrid A/B as 2 jets already phased in the GOM. This is a triple phaser, like 93, but ramps up a little later as the northern stream doesn't join till it's already in the Atlantic.

CRB, I'm skeptical that Erie gets much. Not really supposed to from the main storm. After it passes, when the rest of us are cleaning up, you'll have some wraparound north winds, which it's showing cranking up the lake effect machine a bit in the typical stripe parallel to the lake.
One of the articles online showed the stats of the 58 Storm to be very similar, but I could have confused it with another article about a 56 March storm.
Anyway we got 16 inches of snow and a couple inches of freezing rain and sleet.
I used my snow blower and it was around 5" here in Philly. Very think and heavy snow with sleet. Then the snow compacted to about 3" this morning.
According to my sources, Hancock NY has 38" of snow on the ground. AND it's still snowing.
DaveS wrote:
According to my sources, Hancock NY has 38" of snow on the ground. AND it's still snowing.

Wow since Kray is such a fair-weather fisherman he probably won't fishing up there until July!!
We're pushing 30" total and it's blowing and drifting like crazy. I heard reports of 5 foot drifts. The plows are having difficulty keeping the secondary roads open. School is already canceled tomorrow.

I am, however, getting some good fly tying time in.
Our campus has been closed for the past two days, just got the notice for a 1pm opening tomorrow and my kids have had off as well. Sitting at piano lessons now and there was one quarter mile of road on the way here with zero visibility and one travel lane open. Thankful for AWD and that no vehicles were coming the other way. Roads mostly open, but where there are high banks bordered by open farm fields, the snow is moving pretty good.
Do any of yinz know how much snow is on the ground in state college?

I have some thoughts of going to spring creek this weekend. But think there's probably a lot of white stuff that still has to melt away with the warmer weather predicted
Bill we got about 6" in Tyrone I think State College got about the same
psu student here. I would say 10 +- 2inches
Thanks guys.
Sounds like spring creek wouldn't be a good bet this weekend - I don't have snowshoes!
Sounds like spring is right on schedule this year.
Easter = real spring in western PA, which i think is the 16th this year. So yep.