Spring is 20 days early



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
There is some cool data and graphics compiled by the USA National Phenology Network trying to quantify seasonal anomalies such as the early Spring we are in the midst of experiencing.


Spring is here in parts of PA according to this data, and it's running about 20 days early compared to the average of the last 30 years.


Heard about this on NPR today.
Winter never really showed in Florida. The Gulf now has bait usually associated with late March earlyApril.
NZ has had a cold summer and not enough rain. More like fall here.
Let's hope May is perfect. GG
It's been quite obvious from what's going on in my yard.
Forsythias started blooming a week ago. ( does that mean there are hendricksons hatching already?)
Daffodils are up 6 inches, and ready to burst into bloom.
Lilacs are past budding, and starting to leaf out.

And that fraud weather predictor from Punxy said we were gonna get 6 more weeks of winter!
That's disturbing. Not that spring is early.......the fact that you actually listen to NPR. Lol. I'm sure they presented only the facts without bias. Just sayin. Guess I better get rigged up for Hendrickson hatch this weekend.
We had a thunderstorm in February.

I don't recall that ever happening "back in the day."

We are supposed to have snow flurries on Friday so climate change is a hoax. Fake news. Shame on you Albie.
Waiting to see what two nights of 18 degrees will do to the flowers that are coming up. No real rain in sight here so not only will my massive leaf and stick removal project be easier; I'll not be as tempted to go fishing ion streams that are running about 50% (or less) of median flow. I do feel sorry for the trout in the local special regs areas, though. (Pickering, French, White Clay, Ridley)
fond memories of Montana-I was really into orn. crab trees-very proud pf the dozen or so I had in my yard.Fed them often-kept them watered-- one year we had a very long fall,late winter so decided one more feeding with a ross root feeder was in order--about a week later it dropped down to zero--never forget the sound of those trees cracking wide open.Lesson learned.
While driving around for work today, I passed a small pond that appeared to be covered in duckweed....... In early March??
Very good stuff there Albatross
woke up to 4 inches at my place, another weekend to ski!!
Van_Cleaver wrote:
Waiting to see what two nights of 18 degrees will do to the flowers that are coming up.

Friday night had a low of 12 and Saturday had a low of 9 in my corner of Venango county. Even though things got started oddly early, this frigid cold has put spring on hold here.

March is always a cold month. Everyone's ready for spring and March is content being stuck in winter. I have never been able to say, we had a nice March. Hope that changes this year.
troutbert wrote:
We had a thunderstorm in February.

I don't recall that ever happening "back in the day."

They say memory is the second thing to go. ;-)

As is the case now, not common, but certainly not unheard of, "back in the day," either. I remember one in particular back in the 70s because it struck the church within sight of our house. Jan 26. I don't remember the exact year, but I could probably figure it out since it happened on my sister's birthday.

dkile wrote:
March is always a cold month. Everyone's ready for spring and March is content being stuck in winter. I have never been able to say, we had a nice March. Hope that changes this year.

Sometimes the olives make it a little more palatable but I largely agree with this ^

I occasionally yap with a fellow that watches birds here in Pgh (Highland Park) and he was commenting on a (seasonal) change in avian behavior last week. Since then I've seen the return of the grackles, gathering nesting material. Daffodils were up last week. Most notably, robins singing at sundown and dawn. We change the clocks this weekend. Winter's time is not long.
Looks like its dropping back into the teens again this weekend. Sure doesnt feel like spring is early this year.

Me and my buddy planned a camping trip to ANF this weekend, the low is supposed to be 14* overnight Saturday in Tionesta now. Ugh
dkile wrote:
March is always a cold month. Everyone's ready for spring and March is content being stuck in winter. I have never been able to say, we had a nice March.

Yep. People tend to think of March as Spring, but meteorologically, March is still very much Winter in PA. More so even than December, a month traditionally considered "Winter." The pattern can and does often set up in March to produce strong, deep noreasters. Sure, the temps in March are a little warmer than January or February on average but that added warmth allows the air to carry more moisture and many times we end up in that sweet spot right around 32 deg that produces big time snows. If it's just a few degrees warmer we get that ugly, cold, windy rain from the E or NE...which wouldn't be a bad thing from a stream flow standpoint for the eastern part of the state right now.

For most of PA, IMO April 15th-ish is usually when you can count on the whether being consistently decent...meaning mid to upper 50's or better. May 1st for the northern tier.
March 2012 is the only warm one I can remember. Did a lot of dry fly fishing in a t shirt. Could go for another one of those, but honestly I just want it to rain more regardless of temp. Or snow, if it melts before I have to clean it.
sarce wrote:
but honestly I just want it to rain more regardless of temp. Or snow, if it melts before I have to clean it.

Me too. I'll gladly punt in March and agree to not fish until April 1st if it means better flows for the Spring.

This week is shaping up to be similar to the past few...mid week warm up to near 60, then cold again by the weekend. Oh well. I've got two rooms left to paint in my house. Should be able to knock one of them out this weekend.