Spring Creek Kayak Rant

Seems to me that kayaking or canoeing down a stream doesn't require the state to do anything other than check for a launch permit on the boat. They check while looking for licenses with their binoculars. It's not like they're stocking anything in the stream. Nothing is consumed. Where is the state's cost? Launch permit fees should suffice.
Now, for a lake in a state park it's a different story. Much more cost to maintaining the park AND stocking the lake.
Is the guy who directed Michael Jackson's Thriller video still available?
My personal gripe is Kayakers need to be educated that the water will take you through the fisherman's run and its not how fast you go through the run its HOW you go through the run - The Kayaker thinks to help the fisherman out and be respectable that he/she needs to go through as fast as they can and they stick that #$#$#$#@ paddle down and beat the $@#$@% out of the rocks and disturb the run.

Nothing is worse than fishing a run especially on Penns and to hear those paddles just crush the boulders your trying to drift through.

Just to put my two cents in.. I don't even care that there are kayakers in the water, that doesn't bother me, we all have to share the water.
What bothered me was seeing ugly wires and tubes hanging across the stream. It is what it is.
NewSal wrote:
Just to put my two cents in.. I don't even care that there are kayakers in the water, that doesn't bother me, we all have to share the water.
What bothered me was seeing ugly wires and tubes hanging across the stream. It is what it is.

I'll say it again, amen.
We all have the right to use the resource and must share it. I wonder if there's a kayak forum somewhere where they are on complaining that they have to share the streams with ignorant fly fishers that hog all the good runs.

I'm not sure if it's ignorance, stupidity or the impact of the "me first" society. While I have run into respectful / knowledgeable boaters, that number is very small. Most row right over where you are casting
krayfish2 wrote:
Simply floating through without rowing would have little impact to your fishing. Maybe instead of yelling, dirty looks, etc., we very nicely explain that to the boaters. You never know.....next time you're fishing, they might come down and slip behind you without rowing and not impact your fishing at all. Just a thought

I still vote for the dance-off, I mean rumble.
Kray why do you have to go throw logic and smarts into this rant. Its hard to prepare my dance moves, with you making all that sense. Have you seen me dance?