Spring Creek Kayak Rant

Don't they have kayaks in the third world developing countries?
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Don't they have kayaks in the third world developing countries?

No, and apparently any problem that isn't life-threatening, and is considered 'First world', isn't acceptable to be posted on a fly fishing forum. Even if its involving fly fishing therein.
This course has been there as long as I've fished the stream 6-7 years. It's never bothered me. I've also seen people using it before so it's not unused. It isn't the prettiest structure but I don't see why there's all the outrage.

moon1284 wrote:
This course has been there as long as I've fished the stream 6-7 years. It's never bothered me. I've also seen people using it before so it's not unused. It isn't the prettiest structure but I don't see why there's all the outrage.

Apparently its been there sense 1964.

This all started because I stumbled upon it, and didn't know what It was, thought it was ugly as hell, and doesn't have any place on a trout stream such as Spring Creek, and still do.
But throughout this thread and e-mails all my questions have been answered, I wouldn't consider myself being outraged, slightly disgusted maybe, outraged- no.
Sorry if this offends Yinz but, are you trying to elevate the General Forum to the status that got the old Off Topic Forum banned ? Just trying to get a feeling because the first extended cold snap hasn't set in yet.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
I really think we should all get over there and help them with their kayak course....and restoring the trout habitat . I have a pickup truck. Whose got a back hoe?
Before you do anything make sure you have a permit through DEP.
Spring creek is a nice stream with a lot of history. It is far from pristine however (in that area especially).

The uni mart you can see from the creek there is ugly and run down. The train tracks directly across the kayak course that are strewn with liquor bottles and other trash is an eyesore. The vacant buildings surrounding the spot are an eyesore. Most of the people walking along the train tracks when I've fish there don't look like pillars of society. To top it off most of the fish I've caught in that section are stocked (probably washed down from tallyrand). The kayak course in that area isn't hurting anything. Enjoy that stretch for what it is, an easy place to access and catch lots of trout in an urban setting. It isn't fisherman's paradise and it never will be.
salmonoid wrote:

I don't think there are many undammed streams or rivers in the US. You portage around dams - how is their presence a safety factor that should exclude boaters from a stream? Each dam on Spring Creek has a warning upstream of it to warn boaters of it's existence. I guess in high flows, you could even run the little middle outlet of the dam if you wanted to.

If you think boaters should be excluded from a C&R fishing section, would you support a stretch of stream that was kayak/canoe only and fisherpeople were excluded from?

Most boaters are respectful. A handful of bad apples leave a bad taste in anglers' mouths. Just like most anglers are respectful. But we have bad apples in our midst too.

Well I can list a number streams segments which Anglers are excluded including public parks. That doesn't bother me, I find somewhere else to go.

Some trout streams are barely floatable in the summer and often boaters have to climb out and drag their craft to the next floatable section. In addition if the stream narrows its a pretty tight squeeze to float by an angler. Mutiply this by many boats during the day and you might as well forget fishing that stretch of water.

As an angler I pay for the priviledge to fish. In addition I pay for a trout stamp so I can fish stretches such as the C&R section on the Yellow Breeches. If watercraft enthuists would be willing to pay similar type fees that would be great. There are a number of good projects which could be completed with an infusion of revenue.

I agree with you many boaters are respectful, but enough are bad actors to make it worth mentioning, or at least to vent on an internet forum.

P.S. A few of you kayakers should float Spruce Creek and let me know how that goes for you...
Thanks for the solid report on the condition troutbert, sounds like it was spot on.
NewSal wrote:
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Don't they have kayaks in the third world developing countries?

No, and apparently any problem that isn't life-threatening, and is considered 'First world', isn't acceptable to be posted on a fly fishing forum. Even if its involving fly fishing therein.

Isn't any problem where we live a "first world problem" just saying.
albud1962 wrote: If watercraft enthuists would be willing to pay similar type fees that would be great.

Kayaks and canoes need registered if you plan on using them in/on/at state owned locations, so there is a fee that is paid.
Registered OR a lsimple aunch permit for non-powered boats when using state owned boat ramps.
Why not a simple boat registration fee? A fishing license is required for all commonwealth waters except in certain limited cicumstances. Numerous statements have been made about sharing the water, how about sharing the costs? Sorry for being a grump about this, but it seems like anytime anyone points out some of these issues , they are told to keep a stiff upper lip and get over it.
moon1284 wrote:
Spring creek is a nice stream with a lot of history. It is far from pristine however (in that area especially).

The uni mart you can see from the creek there is ugly and run down. The train tracks directly across the kayak course that are strewn with liquor bottles and other trash is an eyesore. The vacant buildings surrounding the spot are an eyesore. Most of the people walking along the train tracks when I've fish there don't look like pillars of society. To top it off most of the fish I've caught in that section are stocked (probably washed down from tallyrand). The kayak course in that area isn't hurting anything. Enjoy that stretch for what it is, an easy place to access and catch lots of trout in an urban setting. It isn't fisherman's paradise and it never will be.

Add to this the fact that there is a large sewage treatment plant just downstream right along the creek, that is surrounded by a high fence. With large mounds of sludge, that give off some very unpleasant smells in the area.
Hardly a pristine setting for sure
wow, a bit of selfishness here. Heaven forbid others enjoy recreation along OUR trout streams!
Time for an old school, Sharks v. Jets style brouhaha to settle the waterway rights once and for all.

FFers v. Yakkers.

(We may need to look into at least temporarily forming alliances with the Spincasters and Dirty Pinners to pull it off though...Some of those whitewater Yakkers are real torqued up diesel Jabroni's.)
Did you just make reference to a musical? Wtf. Now I believe the Mini stories. LMAO
Haha...We'll need to pick our theme music and choreograph our into too.