Southwest PA Wild Trout Fly Fishing Buddy



Oct 12, 2016

I live in southwest PA and am always fishing new streams in the Laurel Highlands in search of trout. I love walking miles along streams and finding new places, especially fishing for wild trout. Most of the time I just go alone, but I wanted to see if there is anyone else in the area that would like to meet up and fish with me.

I fish A LOT and usually fish all day when I go. I'm down for trips to central PA and north central PA. Basically, fishing streams alone sometimes gets a little lonely and it's nice to have someone to learn from and you never know what could happen walking miles off the trail anyway.

I'm wanting to go to central PA this coming weekend so let me know if anyone would want to meet up and explore for some wild trout anywhere in SW, Central, NW, or NC.
Sounds like a trap....

How do you feel about the following:

A) Black Flag
B) Flasks+
C) Posted Property
D) Mop Flies
Not a trap, just wanting to fish, but okay.
I was just kidding, man. I think NAMBLA is looking for fishing enthusiasts.

DavidFin wrote:
I was just kidding, man. I think NAMBLA is looking for fishing enthusiasts.


Maybe he didnt realize your kidding because your jokes suck. Guy is just looking for a fishing buddy.
If it involves nambla it has to be funny!
I'm in southwest pa. Id love to fish with you sometime.... I like hiking for brookies. Ill PM you.
I'm from SWPA and I'm out and about with the fly rod most weekends. Sometimes I'm already with a couple people, but more often I'm not. Id like to start exploring central PA too. I have a hard time getting anyone I know to leave the local area, so I would definitely take you up on the offer sometime.

My wife has me busy running errands, planting trees, and hanging garage door openers this upcoming weekend, but I was thinking/hoping to get out Sunday afternoon to Dunbar creek. I'll send you a PM if I do.
I need fishing buddies and frequently end up driving out to State College by myself for same day round-trips, out of the burgh. As long as we can meet somewhere that gets us to 22 and headed that way, I dont mind driving.

It's a hobby I only share with a few people I met on this website and my brother, so would be great to get together with some others.
SW PA guy here too, between Indiana and Johnstown
DanL wrote:
I need fishing buddies and frequently end up driving out to State College by myself for same day round-trips, out of the burgh. As long as we can meet somewhere that gets us to 22 and headed that way, I dont mind driving.

It's a hobby I only share with a few people I met on this website and my brother, so would be great to get together with some others.
When I fish I usually go to state college. I'd like to have company. I am on a tight schedule with the kids but usually can get out 1 day a month for sure. I am totally I to taking a day off work during the week to fish too. Maybe we should have a sw pa meet up!
Another SWPA guy here too. If im not working out of town on the weekends im usually somewhere with a fly rod in hand. Always nice to have company. Where exactly in SWPA are you from?
I’m also from SWPA, near Latrobe area. Sometimes looking for someone to split the cost of gas and fishing partner.
Im surprised how many people on here are from SWPA
I'm moving back to the Ligonier area and should be in by June. I look forward to reacquainting myself with the Laurel Highlands.
I can give you some good spots around Clarion. GG
I'm from little California area. I fish the Laurel Highlands quite a bit, but am starting to expand east towards Central PA.
724flyfishing wrote:
I'm from SWPA and I'm out and about with the fly rod most weekends. Sometimes I'm already with a couple people, but more often I'm not. Id like to start exploring central PA too. I have a hard time getting anyone I know to leave the local area, so I would definitely take you up on the offer sometime.

My wife has me busy running errands, planting trees, and hanging garage door openers this upcoming weekend, but I was thinking/hoping to get out Sunday afternoon to Dunbar creek. I'll send you a PM if I do.

When was the last time you fished Dunbar Creek? Used to fish it a few times a year. The last time though was probably 17 years ago.
When was the last time you fished Dunbar Creek? Used to fish it a few times a year. The last time though was probably 17 years ago.

I know you didn't ask me, but I fish Dunbar often. Caught my biggest brown to date there, granted he was a stocked one not wild. Still was a nice fish though. Here's a picture of him:

My most recent trip there yielded about 6 browns, all about 12 inches. Wasn't a bad day.
I live in Pittsburgh and would love to meet up with some others local to the area for a day of fishing. I usually go to the Laurel Highlands or to Savage River in MD but would also like to try going to Central PA more often this year.

It can be hard to find time sometimes since I'm pretty busy with the family. Also I bought a house last spring and spent the rest of the year working on it (after having spent the earlier part of the year working on my old house to get it ready to sell) so I didn't get a chance to go out at all really. I plan to make up for it this year though. I will be taking some days off work during the week this spring for sure. Please feel free to PM if anyone would like to get together sometime soon or just to exchange phone numbers for future reference.