Carry a spare prop in the boat is simple and cheap enough. The Delaware river is not that rock treacherous. Yes you have to know certain areas to avoid but the river is easily navigable without having to worry excessively about prop damage. Learning the nuances of river is a process that may take years but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the process. Generally speaking, I would recommend staying away from the Yardley boat ramp area. This has the least amount of good safe water with a prop. In order of most hazardous to least hazardous stretches, the Lambertville, bulls island and Byran ramps on the NJ side offer good fishing and more prop friendly deeper waters. All 3 ramps have places to avoid and each area has limits where it’s probably best that you don’t go above or below. That’s where the ramp hopping comes into play. Pick an area and stay within its confines. You will soon enough learn which areas of the river are better under different conditions. Don’t be afraid, get out and enjoy the river. It’s way better then the Nock in my opinion.