Southcentral limestone recommendation

This is the only section of the PA Code that you can be prosecuted under simply for fishing (as opposed to harming or harvesting):

58 PA Code 63.3. It begins with this and never goes any further:

"It is unlawful to fish in approved trout waters... from 12:01 a.m. on March 1 to 8 a.m. on the first Saturday after April 11 and in approved trout waters regulated under § 65.12 (relating to Regional Opening Day of Trout Season Program) from 12:01 a.m. on March 1 to 8 a.m. on the first Saturday after March 28."

Any other fishing in non-ATW waters is governed by other regulations. I am unaware of any prohibition of fishing elsewhere, though harvest and no-harm regulations do apply.

If Mr. Heller disagrees, please ask him what regulation he would prosecute under if you fish lower Letort?
The confusion is coming from this:

Basically the class a streams, they now admit are class a but still stock, will be treated the same as other non ATW's during the extended season.

You are allowed to fish class A's year round on a C &R basis.
In attempting to clarify the regs regarding to Class A streams, they successfully muddied them, pun intended.
All sections of the LeTort are listed as Class A except Sec. 1, is that section stocked and if so why? The new reg. would only apply if it was stocked. therefore it has always been open to fishing since it was add to the Class A list.
Section One is the headwaters/Duck Pond area, not surprised that it's not a Class A...lots and lots of flat shallow water up there probably skews the biomass/acre calculations that determine the population classes. And no, that section is not stocked.

The only stocking the Letort receives nowadays is a few hundred rainbows for the annual derby that's held at the park in town.
tomitrout wrote:
Section One is the headwaters/Duck Pond area, not surprised that it's not a Class A...lots and lots of flat shallow water up there probably skews the biomass/acre calculations that determine the population classes. And no, that section is not stocked.

The only stocking the Letort receives nowadays is a few hundred rainbows for the annual derby that's held at the park in town.

The entire Letort from the FFO through town to the mouth (this would be Sections 2-5). . .is Class A. None of it is ATW.

It is therefore open to C&R angling during this time of year assuming it is not posted by the landowners.
Dave did you talk to Keller? If so what did he tell you?
addictedangler wrote:
Dave did you talk to Keller? If so what did he tell you?

No. The boundaries and policies for Letort are clear to me.
Having thought about it, I saw no reason to pursue this further so I didn't bother to call.

If you've got some stuff - by all means go ahead and post it. But it needs to be written stuff that can be linked to or that we can read.
As regards Class A fishing and whether they are open March 1 to the opener:

The prohibitive language for the March 1 to opener period is under the ATW regs section for the stocked Class A streams, but the wording makes it seem global to all Class As. Therefore, there is a note about allowing C & R fishing in Class A streams under the table. However, this note was omitted from some versions of the Summary book pdf, leading to confusion. I just checked and the newest summary book complete pdf download has the note.

PFBC will need to do a clarification, and hopefully soon, published on the web separately to put the issue in bold relief, in case not everyone in law enforcement gets the memo, which appears to be happening.
DGC wrote:
I just checked and the newest summary book complete pdf download has the note.
PFBC will need to do a clarification, and hopefully soon, published on the web separately to put the issue in bold relief, in case not everyone in law enforcement gets the memo, which appears to be happening.

I agree that this appears to be at the root of the misunderstanding.

I checked 2 summary books and did not see were this foot note was and still do not. As a licensed guide I try to keep up on all regulations that apply to me. When I do not understand I call the proper people and ask questions as per the fish commission request. The summary book is not the final word. That was told to me many times. At this point it does not matter to me. When the officer of the law tells me it is not legal he is the final word until the judge at my court case decides. Not verifying the information is wrong. I did a outdoor show in Mifflinburg 2 Saturdays ago. One of the commissioners was there. I asked some questions and he did not have the answeres but told me to check the Wco both that was there. I did and was told they were not sure after reading the summary. There suggestion was to call regional and check with them. I verified by our senior member of our local WCO group. What more can I do? This will be my last post, and I do mean last post.
You asked for it here it is.... Straight from the 2015 summary on the PFBC website. Now show me the regulation that says that I can't catch and release in a a class A stream year round.


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addictedangler wrote:
The summary book is not the final word. That was told to me many times.

Agreed that the summary book is not the final word, as its name implies - it can't reflect every single detail of every regulation. However, if they are going to specifically print a note that says class A streams are open to fishing from Labor Day to the start of opening day, and then cite/fine you for fishing during that time, I think we've reached a new level of ridiculousness.
And its not just "Class A" streams that are open to fishing during the closed ATW season. (March 1-Opening Day). All non ATWS streams not stocked by the F&BC are open too...that includes Class B,C,D and unsurveyed waters...even if they are stocked by clubs or co-ops.

BOOM goes the dynamite!