Southcentral limestone recommendation

Wgmiller... pm sent.. I don't know if it went through though.. let me know if you didn't get it.

Plenty of warm dry clothes packed up... open waters my only concern at this point.. its been way too long...I've got the shakes.

And if that regard reads correct sounds like only part of letort would be fair game? Am I reading that right??
If you fish Letort in Cumberland County, no part of it is ATW, therefore, no part of it is closed to fishing in that county. No harvest is allowed now until Opening Day.

This place is specifically open year round to FFO:

Letort Spring Run – 1.7 miles; from 300 yards upstream of bridge on T-481 (Bonnybrook Road) downstream to the Reading Railroad Bridge at the southern edge of Letort Spring Park.
That's correct Mucka. Only the ff section is "lawful" right now.
Thanks for all the help guys.. helps to clear things up... every time I think I know the regs I dont, or think I don't and still do..
Hopback, That was dated for 2013. Yes, that was correct in years past and it may still be but if you read my post from the 2015 summary I would have to question it for this year. I believe it is new regulations for 2015, As I said before I am not sure. I asked some questions to 2 wcos on Laurel lake. It is not listed as approved trout water for this year in the summary book and some think it is open for c and r in March.I also asked one of the commissioners he did not know. I get the full reg book every other year from my State rep and I guess I need to call him to see if I can get a 2015 book.
The entire Letort is open to (C&R) fishing as it is either FFO or Class A. There are some sections that are posted however.
Addicted Angler :

Take a look at the bottom of page 10. It has a special note which says:

"It is legal to fish for trout in class A trout streams year-round, with no harvest beginning the day after Labor day through the opening day of trout season the following year."

This was taken directly for the 2015 PA Fishing summary.
I stand corrected. I was going over special reg sections last night making a list if where to fish, and it said nothing about class A streams. Fwiw, either Laurel or Fuller is open year round.
I just got off the phone from our regional office. Talked with officer Keller. Quote. All class A wild trout steams are treated as approved trout water for the month of march. Closed to fishing March 1 through April 3 of 2015. He cited it from his law enforcement book. This was changed and or added and effective on January 1 2015. Any questions can be directed to him at 717-486-7080. Also new this year is Laurel lake is open to fishing this month but needs to be catch and release.
Haha, ok. I just checked the 2015 summary book, and Tony is correct. But, on the PFBC website it clearly states that Class A water can be fished year round, but you can only possess during the Approved Trout Water times.
addictedangler wrote:
I just got off the phone from our regional office. Talked with officer Keller. Quote. All class A wild trout steams are treated as approved trout water for the month of march. Closed to fishing March 1 through April 3 of 2015. He cited it from his law enforcement book. This was changed and or added and effective on January 1 2015. Any questions can be directed to him at 717-486-7080.

What exactly did Keller say? BTW the phone number you posted is disconnected. PFBC offices closed at 4 today - I'll call again tomorrow.

There is some serious confusion going on here. Class A streams have always been open to catch and release angling during the closed season. The only rule changes effective for Class A streams on Jan 1st 2015 that I could find (besides several notices of additional streams added to the list) was a change to no-harvest during the extended season on Class As downstream of ATWs and the addition of the new stocked Class A sections.

I couldn't find anything suggesting a wholesale closure of fishing in unstocked Class As.

A wholesale closing of C&R angling on Class As in PA is a major change and would have required a public comment period.
Please scan your hard copy regs book and post it here or link us to the PDF copy to exactly where it unequivocally says Class A are closed to C&R fishing.
Sorry on the phone # it is the regional office. #486- 7087. Keller said the lower Letort is closed to fishing this time of year. Please call him.
Addicted angler,

Did you ask him about the notation on page 10 of the summary? It clearly states that catch and release in class A is ok year round. Not sure how they would enforce the new rule if it contadicts itself in the 2015 summary. I certainly wouldn't be worried about a fine.
Glad I stuck to the FFO sections today while this all played out.

Thanks to all for tips and advice, had a pretty good day out there today! I will post under stream reports for those that are interested.

Did you clearly explain to Keller that you intended to fish catch and release?

Invariably, when the good folks from PFBC are asked about "fishing" they assume this implies harvest (which of course is not permitted on lower Letort during closed season or extended season).
The word summary is the key. There is a full manual you can get from your state rep. Call and he can order it. It is the final word on fish and boat laws and not the summary book. I am sure Dave will call Officer Keller tomorrow. On page 10 there is a change in the wording that alerted me and I called who I thought was the proper person to settle this matter. I asked Officer Keller more then once is the lower Letort open to fish in March and he said NO. Officer Keller has been in his position for many years and I assume he knows what he is talking about. He gave me the info then called me back in about 1/2 hour to confirm what he had said. I told him I would post it so he wanted to check all aspects of the subject. If I am wrong then our Wco gave me the wrong information and I am sorry for passing it on.
addictedangler wrote:
On page 10 there is a change in the wording that alerted me and I called who I thought was the proper person to settle this matter. I asked Officer Keller more then once is the lower Letort open to fish in March and he said NO. Officer Keller has been in his position for many years and I assume he knows what he is talking about. He gave me the info then called me back in about 1/2 hour to confirm what he had said. I told him I would post it so he wanted to check all aspects of the subject. If I am wrong then our Wco gave me the wrong information and I am sorry for passing it on.

Yes, I know Keller and he's a good guy. However, I think he is confused.

Could you please scan and post page 10. I want to see exactly where it clearly says that C&R fishing (not harvest) is prohibited on unstocked Class As.

I certainly may be wrong. . .but if what you're saying is accurate we have a major misunderstanding of trout fishing regs on this website and we need to get the correct information out to our readership ASAP.

I just think there has been a misunderstanding here.
If you ask 3 different PFBC people about the regs, you might get 4 different opinions. Most of them are fishermen, after all. :)


Question I love to fish for wild trout in Class A streams. After reading several sources and talking to many people, Trout Unlimited members and PFBC staff, I'm totally confused. Is it or is it not legal to fish any Class A stream year round?

Answer It is legal* to fish for trout in Class A trout streams year-round, with no kill beginning the day after Labor Day through the opening day of trout season the following year. The same holds true for wilderness trout streams. Of course, all other fishing regulations still apply. Note that during the period after Labor Day through the following opening day of trout season, anglers must immediately release any trout they catch unharmed to the waters from which taken. Anglers also should check for special regulations applicable to particular waters.

* Those with a particular interest in regulatory interpretation may want a further explanation. Here it is: The season for taking trout from waters other than approved trout waters extends from opening day in April to midnight on Labor Day. During other times of the year, there is no season for trout on waters other than approved trout waters, certain special regulation waters and private waters that apply for and are made subject to the extended trout season under PFBC regulations (58 Pa. Code 65.26). The regulations establishing seasons, sizes and creel limits state that a fish taken out of season from waters where other fishing is lawful is not considered a violation if the fish is "immediately returned unharmed to the water from which it was taken." Thus, it is not a per se violation to catch a trout out of season on Class A wild trout waters as long strict catch-and-release fishing is practiced.

From their website