Someone school me on Big trout

Big browns are like older people -they conserve their energy.
20 to 24 inch would be a medium size brown ,anywhere 2.5 to maybe 4 pds depending on time of year[pre spawn-post spawn.]
24" up would be big browns-east,west,north,south.
Big browns and the medium ones are different targets.
assuming your not talking coming out of lakes spawners in trophy trout area-
The big browns will feed when water temperature is closest to preferred temp.
During warmest weather that means night and early morning.
Cold weather-right in the heat of day unless snowmelt shuts them down.
They are mostly ambush feeders,not chasers.
when its time to feed they will move out of their hide or lie and position themselves where they can make a short dash and nail the baitfish,whose movement they picked up with their lateral line.
So if you want to target big browns-
be there when THEY want to feed,and target places where they will position themselves.
I didn't say anything new or novel just pointing out its a game in itself to consistently catch big browns.
That does not mean a casual fisher person can't catch the big one-saw that happen many times in
By the way-don't buy into darker the night the better-25 years as avid nite fisherman out west and found its the water temp-not darkness that has them feeding at night.
Full moon good time to go.
I agree with Pete.
The temp is the key. #1 GG