Soft hackle wet flies

  • Thread starter blackandgold4ever05
  • Start date
DaveS wrote:
First off you tie some beautiful flies. Second I think you should have three DOZEN, not just three. (Hey suppose one day you bump into me on the stream, you might want to share a few flies, you know?) Soft hackles, tied traditionally like yours, or with a fatter dubbed body can mimmick most everything in the stream. And if you think they're good on the swing, try dead drifting them. Tied larger the can be stripped like YOY baitfish. They can be tied very small to immitate micro-caddis as well as emerging mayflies. AND they're pretty simple and quick to tie! If you haven't figured it out yet, I think Soft Hackles rock!

Thankyou so much Dave! That really means a lot to me. I've only been tying now for about a year. I'd be more than happy to share a few flies with you someday if we meet on the stream. I haven't even had the chance to try these yet but wanted to tie some after reading Dave Hughes book on wetflies. I have never fished wetflies yet because I'm also fairly new to flyfishing (about 2 or 3 years). I can't wait to get out more often this spring and see how they do!