Snow Fishing

DJ, I am like you.....I love a nice crisp winter day where the snow is falling...not only is it beautiful, but some of my best days ever to be on the water have come on days when it was covered in white and still coming down.....

Now, as to whether you are crazy or not......well, I have been accused of it and have pretty much come to the conclusion that I am crazy....crazy about fishing that is... :-D
I always enjoyed getting out in the worst weather. You own the world cause everyone else is locked up indoors. When I was single I used to make it a point to go winter camping as often as I could just to "hone" the skills.

Someone posted about driving in the snow. That is an art. Just drive like you don't even have a brake pedal and you will be OK.

Something about being in fresh snow in the woods is primal. It really notches up the wildernes factor. In my book any outing where "you could die" crosses your mind is good for the soul.

It also make you appreciate a warm home and a hot shower when you get back :)