Smallmouth Symposium



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
On Sat, 31 Jan the PFBC will be hosting a seminar on smallies and the Susquehanna River. The location is the River Rescue Building; time to be determined. There's more info on the PFBC website. I'm planning on attending.

Smallmouth Symposium
neat! I'll probably be there if I can escape from work.
Hey Idiot, is that a new piece in your avatar...looked on your site but couldn;t find it. Like to see it bigger. Looks cool.
Thanks. This painting just came off the easel a couple days ago and is entitled "Waiting For the Take." It depicts a fly fisherman wading a Keys flat (sure would be nice to be doing that right about now :-D ). All the stuff on my site is old junk - just haven't had the time to paint much in the last couple years. Fortunately, I've got the next couple months to pretty much paint full time and I intend to do it every day focusing mostly on FFing themes (also have more time to hang out here on this site :-D ). My website will be updated in the spring - I'll send you a PM when the new art is posted.


  • waitingforthetake.jpg
    181 KB · Views: 5
FI- nice one.

Reminds me of Bahia Honda State Park.

I noticed the change also, must say it's a good one! Keep us posted on the updated site.