Smallie Dump



Jul 12, 2010
I'm not one to brag nor boast; as a matter of fact I've never posted a pic on the site yet! LOL! I was looking at some pics of a couple amazing days of smallie fishing that occurred about a month ago and wanted to share a few of my favorites. I hope you all enjoy, and add on!


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Wow, you have been doing very well this year. I dont know where the bigger smallies have gone for me, I only have a handful over 16 this year. I dont know what stream/river you are fishing, but those fish have great markings. Most of the smallmouth I get from the yough are straight bronze with no markings, but the smaller warm water stream I frequent has fish very similar to yours. The stripe marked smallies are pretty badass. I have a bit of a fish tale that goes along with coloration this year. My brother and I have hooked into a great smallie this year--same fish. He has spit the hook on us both times, but last time we got a good look at him as he soared out of his 7' deep hole. This sucker is 18" and black as night. I busted out laughing when I saw it, because it is crude oil black with red eyes. He is the devil of this small stream. Great catches, man.
Great pics cricket. Really nice fish.
I dont know what stream/river you are fishing, but those fish have great markings. Most of the smallmouth I get from the yough are straight bronze with no markings, but the smaller warm water stream I frequent has fish very similar to yours. The stripe marked smallies are pretty badass. I have a bit of a fish tale that goes along with coloration this year. My brother and I have hooked into a great smallie this year--same fish. He has spit the hook on us both times, but last time we got a good look at him as he soared out of his 7' deep hole. This sucker is 18" and black as night. I busted out laughing when I saw it, because it is crude oil black with red eyes. He is the devil of this small stream.

Most of the smallies near home are in the 12" range with an occasional bruiser; these all come from where I grew-up in NW PA. We have been coming down to the Yough to fish quite a bit lately, but haven't had much success at all!!?? The Casselman is full of 'em, but they are particularly small. I hope you catch the the Devil BTW; I'd love to see a pic![/quote]
Love the pics.....Smallmouth are so awesome!
Awesome pics. Big lake fish?? If not, then those are some dandys. Either way they're sweet fish, and I'm sure they fought twice their size!
Well, I hope to finally land the sucker This Friday after work. In all likelihood, my brother has a better shot with his spinning gear. The hold is pretty peculiar. It is this unassuming super deep hole. Not sure how it formed, but we would have never found it unless my brother stepped into it one day while retrieving a snag. One step and you go from 2' to 6-7'. All of your catches are pretty sweet, but have you ever caught two smallies on the same lure and then hooked yourself in the crotch? Good thing for my brother that I was there to step in and rectify the situation without any vital damage.

You really need to be meticulous with the yough. Eventually you will uncover a couple dynamite spots. I dont know the river too well, but I know it has had its moments for me.


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Smallie fishing in my area has died . Your lucky if you can catch more than 5 a outing :cry: And blessed if one is over 12".
Fredrick wrote:
Smallie fishing in my area has died . Your lucky if you can catch more than 5 a outing :cry: And blessed if one is over 12".

True for me, too. SE PA is a smallie dump these days! :cry:

Depends on location. The upper half of my local WW creek (won't name it here, but I'm sure most of you either know or could easily figure out what it is) has had good spawns the last 3 years. There are good numbers of very clear year sizes of fish right now.

2009 YOY - 7-8"
2010 YOY - 5-6"
2011 YOY - 2-3"

Above 8" or so the population is much more sparse...there's a fair population of 9-12 inchers, and then the occasional fish larger than that.

I was out Tuesday evening with a buddy for an hour or so and we caught a good 20...all under 8". I'm sure their parents are around too to some degree, but large Smallmouth are hard to fool and hard to catch.

This creek traditionally has been more of a "numbers" stream than a "size" stream, but a couple of years it should have a run of really good Smallie fishing.
Those pictures are fantastic. I'm completely jealous.

I loved this thread. Awesome pics and looked like a top notch trip. I haven't been able to get out much with the baby and a new girlfriend but she has shown interest in my passion for this sport and is all for me getting a boat to take family trips with.

Wont be long. Have fun WW fly-fishing is far superior to trout any day of the week. Currently I'm waiting for my daughter to get up from her nap and he are going to nail some largemouth.
Again thanks for the pics!
Some great pics of some great fish.

I especially like the avatar. :)
Very nice, I would love to see the full size versions of those pics.
dude....teach me.

poppers or streamers? freakin awesome fish man!
Smallie fishing in my area has died . Your lucky if you can catch more than 5 a outing And blessed if one is over 12".

True for me, too. SE PA is a smallie dump these days!

Last couple outtings in SEPA










Lots of fun on a 4 wt Boo

Seen some monsters that did not cooperate, but I know where they live.

Okay, you guys are giving me the damn bug! Do I get beat up as much if I ask in open forum about streams in the SE for bass like I do with trout?
Foxgap239 wrote:
Okay, you guys are giving me the damn bug! Do I get beat up as much if I ask in open forum about streams in the SE for bass like I do with trout?

I doubt it..haha.

I fish for smallies on the Lehigh around Bethlehem...more than willing to share what I know.
Things seem to be improving over the past few years. I've only been out once this year...didn't see too much size wise but there were good numbers...