


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Help! Just tied 1/2 dozen slumpbusters according to the Barr formula and they all ride upside down. What to do please?
ok then, post the method we'll see if we can figure out the problem. Or fish them upside down...
If you mean "hook point up", you've done well. Less snags that way.

When they get wet, you can't tell the difference anyway. They are HIGHLY effective, by the way.
so, are you going to fish them?
Thanks for the ideas! Hook point up just looked funny, with the dark side down. I'll try them to see how they work. Did fish with one and it was a winner, hence the reason for tieing some more. But to be honest the day I fished with one the water was very turbid and knowing me I probably didn't notice how they were riding.
joemaschue wrote:
Thanks for the ideas! Hook point up just looked funny, with the dark side down. I'll try them to see how they work. Did fish with one and it was a winner, hence the reason for tieing some more. But to be honest the day I fished with one the water was very turbid and knowing me I probably didn't notice how they were riding.

I only fish them in high water situations. 7 foot 3x leader. I stand in the middle of the stream (if it's safe) and pummel the banks on both sides. The fish almost always hit it within the first three strips.
jayL wrote:
joemaschue wrote:
Thanks for the ideas! Hook point up just looked funny, with the dark side down. I'll try them to see how they work. Did fish with one and it was a winner, hence the reason for tieing some more. But to be honest the day I fished with one the water was very turbid and knowing me I probably didn't notice how they were riding.

I only fish them in high water situations. 7 foot 3x leader. I stand in the middle of the stream (if it's safe) and pummel the banks on both sides. The fish almost always hit it within the first three strips.

I tied up a bunch too. After seeing Jay knailem on Spring with them I was sold. Although they are somewhat similar to a zonker. Which also ride hook point up. For me atleast.
Not seeing your tie, and just taking a look at the Barr site, and never having fished that pattern exactly, I'm at a loss to be real confident in providing specific advice.

You might want to double check where on the hook shaft you are tying off the strip wing.

I can advise that if you tie the divide between wing and tail too far back - on the downward curve instead of keeping it on the straight part of shaft (make sure it's on top of the shaft) - you can easily get a winged/heavy tailed fly to flip upside down. On the next one, when you are splitting between wing and tail, and beginning to wrap forward try tying the first wrap forward a little closer to the front.

If you are using the same make/model hook, take note in his photos to where the split between wing and tail is happening, with respect to the barb cut in the point.
When he pulls the strip taunt to begin the forward secure wrap, the split is still forward of the bend in the shaft - about straight up from the point of the barb.

If you are using a different make/model hook, just keep in mind to keep the ending split forward of the downturn in the shaft.
Thanks, I'll try that!! I even tied some without weight and they also ride upside down. Next is to try putting the weight only on the bottom of the hook instead of wrapping. Last is to just fish them upside down and go for it!
Order some from FFP or TCO and reverse engineering it would be a good idea too.
great pattern I've tied a few too and want try them for carp on a 9w this season
Hey Joemaschue,

If you are going to eliminate the lead wrap underbody, be careful about removing too much diameter from the body.
I don't think Barr states it, but if the body is disproportionatly thin compared to the width of the hair strip, the hair strip can curl, which can ruin the effect that allows it to ride upright.
Think of the wing and tail as having a parachute effect.
Thanks for that tip. I'll keep trying, or just fish them upside down. They do seem to catch bigger fish, at least the one time time I fished them.
Check your cones on the front end of the fly they may not be properly aligned on the front end. Weight may be shifted which makes them ride upside down. Mine ride upside down as well but I did align the cones and that seemed to work.
