Sling packs



Jul 26, 2014
I'm looking to switch to a sling pack from my Umpqua overlook chestpack. I looked at the Umpqua slings, and while they are nice they are just too big for what I want. So far I've looked at the orvis safe passage and the Simms freestone. I've also heard great things on the fishpond summit, but have yet to see one. I'm looking for opinions and pros and cons on these 3 packs, but am also open to suggestions on new ones. Any information is greatly appreciated!
I have two Vedavoo slings, they have a couple of models of different sizes. They can be built to go over the left or right shoulder.
Look at the Vedavoo offerings. I use the Seam Sling and it works very well for me.
Love the vedavoo seam sling. I had the tightlines sling and it was just a little too small. The seam is about the right size for a day. It’s big enuff to carry everything you need but not big enuff to carry everything you don’t.
kobalt335 wrote:

I've also heard great things on the fishpond summit, ...

There's one in the Swap Forum right now.

Fishpond Summit

I'm not a sling user, but looks like a pretty good deal for somebody who's looking for one
I use a fishpond summit and it's a good pack. I used to used a chest pack but I found it getting in the way. I say get the fishpond. It's perfect for a day of fishing not to big and very comfortable.
FYI I have no connection to whom ever is selling the one posted above.
I have the Orvis bag and my brother has the fishpond. I personally like the Orvis one more because the pockets are more well aligned for the junk I carry and the positioning is better. The FP one has a larger pocket on the outside and it is sort of rigid. The net sheath idea is a cool idea but I keep my long handle in my belt.

Overall both great bags and that guy selling the FP one currently has it at a steal of a price. (Also no connection with him)

Edit: No nipper sleeve on the sling on the FP one, that was a major issue for me
drakeking412 wrote:
Edit: No nipper sleeve on the sling on the FP one, that was a major issue for me

I ended up purchasing the one in the swap section, it should be here within the next day or so. I saw that there is no nipper sleeve on the strap, but the more I thought about it, if I need to cut my line more than likely I'm changing flies and will have the pack pulled around anyway. I'll post my thoughts on the pack after it arrives.
I put nippers on the shoulder with a zinger and on the pack next to the outside pocket. So I can cut tippet with out having to swing pack around and if I'm tying on a new rig I've got one at hand when I've swung it around. It takes some time to have it set up right, what you think makes sense when you pack it may not on the water. It's an adjustment going from a chest pack.
kobalt335 wrote:

I ended up purchasing the one in the swap section, ....

Do you need my address to forward the finder's fee?

I accept money orders, personal checks, cash, wampum beads, hot tips, you name it. ;-) :lol:
Got the pack today. Just looking it over I'm impressed. Everything is layed out very nicely, and I noticed the zippers are easily worked with one hand which is a plus. To me it is just the right size. I did try my net in the holder, and it didn't fit that well,but my net handle is also pretty short. I believe if I were to get a longer handle net( which I want anyway) it would be fine.

ColdBore wrote:

Do you need my address to forward the finder's fee?

I accept money orders, personal checks, cash, wampum beads, hot tips, you name it. ;-) :lol:

Pm me if your fishing my area, best I can do is cheap beer. :pint:
kobalt335 wrote:

Pm me if your fishing my area, best I can do is cheap beer. :pint:


Enjoy the pack. I recently completed a purchase with the same seller, I knew you'd be happy dealing with him.
I don't use the net holder. I have it on a magnet off my left hand shoulder. It's easy to get and when you swing the pack around it's off to the left side and I still have access to all the pockets.