Slaying Rock Bass

I guess it depends on the type of cutthroat because the Bonneville and Yellowstone cutthroats I have caught never once gave up.
I just got back from fishing the next door creek. The Rockies were laying on there side after being hooked. It must be a water temperture thing. I know when I catch them in cooler water they fight better then any similar size trout or bass. Can't say I ever noticed them roll over like that before.
The first thing I ever fished for was bluegill and sunfish with my grandfather. I loved it. He has a house and a boat at Indian Lake in Somerset, PA. It was so much fun when I was little, I have to admit was with a worm and a bobber. Although he will always be a Bass fisherman, he game me his old bamboo fly rod with a martin reel. As much fun as it is catching pan fish, I have to say there is nothing in the world like catching a brookie.
One of the best mornings I had this summer was fishing pan fish and bass on the fly. Wading shoes, license pinned to my shirt, hemos clipped to my shorts, rod in hand, popper on the line and a black bugger in my hat. Waded down through some rapids til they hit flatwater and just went to town. Fish left and right, bites every other cast. Only made more rewarding by the two bait fisherman down below me staring in disbelief as they were casting in every direction without a single bite ha. Love me some early morning warm water fishing with the fly rod.