Slaying Rock Bass



New member
Jan 12, 2014
I will admit I didn't catch a single Trout this year on my fly rod. What I have been doing is catching fiesty Rock Bass and smallies on my 8ft 4wt rod. It has gotten me hooked back into fly fishing. Especially when I hit a one to two pound smallie on the 4wt. Tons of big size creek chub also. I can't tell you how much this has improved my casting ability and just enjoying the sport more and more. Sure I'll eventually catch that Trout on the fly rod, but no we I am just having way too much fun.
It does sound like you're having fun, and that's all that matters in life & fishing. Welcome back to ffing and congrats on getting on the fish.
loneflyman wrote:
I will admit I didn't catch a single Trout this year on my fly rod. What I have been doing is catching fiesty Rock Bass and smallies on my 8ft 4wt rod. It has gotten me hooked back into fly fishing. Especially when I hit a one to two pound smallie on the 4wt. Tons of big size creek chub also. I can't tell you how much this has improved my casting ability and just enjoying the sport more and more. Sure I'll eventually catch that Trout on the fly rod, but no we I am just having way too much fun.

Great to hear! Some of us have tried for a long time (and continue to try and fight this good fight) to persuade fly fishers, especially beginners, to think outside the trout box and chase bass and sunfish. And for many of us old hands, chasing small warm water fish like rock bass, redbreast sunnies, and smallmouth bass, remains a favorite summer pastime.

Go find a small, warm water creek near you and have a blast catching these little guys. They're just wonderful.
I agree 100% fish idiot! I was so consumed on Trout that I oversee other fish that can be caught. Catching panfish and bass has taught me so much. Getting a feel for the rod, learning how to cast further than I did, better line mernding and controll., different techniques, how to hook a fish and bring it in. Skills that I am honing everyday by learning how to catch these overlooked fish.

Chocolate vs vanilla it seems. Being a product of SE pa I often go out to slay the rock bass. True battlers and a shame they don't grow big like sm and lm bass. While i will trout fish as a pure novelty it's the warm water fish I target with my fly rod. Either way whatever you catch seems a lot more enjoyable on a fly rod.
I couldn't agree with Fishidiot more on this topic. I feel in a way that I wasted about 30 years of my flyfishing career until I realized the great WW fishing I had right in my own backyard. I still totally enjoy trout fishing but every year I seem to look forward more and more to the WW season. There are so many options and different types of fish to target there just aren't enough hours in the day. Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass. Rock Bass, various species of Sunfish, Crappies, Pike, Pckeral, Muskies, Catfish, Walleye, Fallfish, Suckers, Bowfins and we certainly don't want to leave out the Carp. I probably did leave out a few but the options are almost limitless. It is a great way to learn the ropes of flyfishing. Good luck and have fun out there.
started my fishing catching fallfish on a stream in Delaware-seems to me they were as tough to catch and as smart as trout- so if we are C&R why don't they get a lot more respect..
I always found rock bass to kind of be push overs. What I mean is, they never seem to put up a good fight like sunfish, blue gills, and the SMB/LMB. Anyone else find that they just kind of roll over once they're hooked?
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I always found rock bass to kind of be push overs. What I mean is, they never seem to put up a good fight like sunfish, blue gills, and the SMB/LMB. Anyone else find that they just kind of roll over once they're hooked?

Every time. Have to drag them in.
Big bluegill will tug hard.
I have great memories of fly fishing for bluegill with my grandfather at project 70 in York County. They were fun to catch and good to eat.

The first year I fly fished, I stuck to a pond near my house and caught nothing but bluegills and the odd largemouth. It was a freaking blast and you are right, it really helps you work on your basic skills when you are having so much fun and are always eager to get back out there. Much easier to put in time on the water when you know you will catch something!

I agree with you Sasquatch, I don't think rock bass fight well at all. They are super greedy though. Doesnt matter how many times i've gone after them, rock bass and sunnies just make me laugh :)
Big Sunnies pull a little harder simply because of their shape. My local rock bass are scrappy little buggers. I can't say that I ever caught one that rolled over and gave up.
I catch 9"-10" redeyes often (big rockies LITTER the Conestoga), but they just play dead once caught. Sunnies are awesome, especially when you start getting into that 7"+ range, like you said, because of their shape. They just slice right through the water.
Fallfish tend to pump me up. Rock bass are great once they take the fly, after that they just give. More importantly its just fun to chase other fish. I will agree that fallfish are disturbingly gross. Folks around here eat them..
Snub the chub
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I always found rock bass to kind of be push overs. What I mean is, they never seem to put up a good fight like sunfish, blue gills, and the SMB/LMB. Anyone else find that they just kind of roll over once they're hooked?

True their fight is rather short but their willingness to take a fly and turn a poor day into a fun one makes up for it.
loneflyman wrote:
Fallfish tend to pump me up.

My experience with Rock Bass is very similar to Squatch's, after the initial hit they just seem to come to the surface with that "mouth wide open" posture and let you drag them in. A 15-16" Fallfish on the other hand is a flat out blast on a fly rod. I always love hooking into a decent fallfish. Can't say that I know anything about eating them and don't think I really want to.
you think rock bass are disappointing -try snook
one jump and they give up-
you do usually get the jump but then they just quit-
most disappointing,over rated fish I have run into-
can't say much for cutthroats or grayling either.
Pete I have heard that about cutthroats. Still hope I get the chance to go after them sometime.

I've said it before but I have never been that impressed with fallfish either, but I can't say I've ever hooked into one over 12-13". Don't mind catching them as long as I can twist the fly out without touching them...

A lot of people mistake them for rainbow trout, which I would think leads to a surprisingly bad tasting trout dinner.