slate run tackle shop for sale

I don't have a problem with wealth myself, I wish I was wealthy, but these people that come into comanies and rape them downsize them and then bail out when everything goes wrong because they have a golden parachute, it's just wrong. When someone leaves under pressure or is fired why should they be able to leave with a huge settlement. Whoever started giving out those deals was an idiot. I know if my company lets me go I ain't geting nothin cept unemployment it just ain't right. Japan does quite well with the way they run companies a lot of what has happened to companies in this country is directly because we didn't follow their example. Perfect case is the auto industry, US automakers still don't get it. Meanwhile the money leaves the country and never comes back.
Chaz wrote:
I don't have a problem with wealth myself, I wish I was wealthy, but these people that come into comanies and rape them downsize them and then bail out when everything goes wrong because they have a golden parachute, it's just wrong. When someone leaves under pressure or is fired why should they be able to leave with a huge settlement. Whoever started giving out those deals was an idiot. I know if my company lets me go I ain't geting nothin cept unemployment it just ain't right. Japan does quite well with the way they run companies a lot of what has happened to companies in this country is directly because we didn't follow their example. Perfect case is the auto industry, US automakers still don't get it. Meanwhile the money leaves the country and never comes back.


Aren't you supposed to end that diatribe with...",but I'm not bitter" :lol:

Who do you think hires those bozos? The wealthy, to increase their bottom line. Whether they be company owners or stock holders, looking for a better bottom line so they can "get that place in the poconos near your favorite trout stream" They hire the "company killers" to slash and posture, sell or merge, all to squeeze out a few more bucks before retirement.

And those golden parachutes or sweetheart deals...they are negotiated beforehand. These corporate "winners" are quite desireable.

Think of public companies as a cash cow getting fattened up for slaughter. Once the cost of the feed supercedes the ROI (return on investment) You get squeezed into a chute and plunked in the noggin' with a bolt.

In this day and age, all you are is a piece of meat or "private contractor". I remember when loyalty meant something, years of service, experience was respected.

Often times these corporate puppets who do the dirty dealing are at odds with themselves, but wanting to get ahead, and the lure of the almighty dollar, are too much to resist. Separation of class is an ugly process...except for the ones most removed from it...the Wealthy.

Still want to keep that opening statement?

ps...but I'm not bitter. :-D
RangerKeen wrote:
College is no tthe answer for everyone or for wealth . I never graduated college and make over a grand a day .. its how you apply yourself
RangerKeen, I didn't know the armed forces paid so well. What are you, a mercenary or something? (Please don't tell me if you have to kill me.)
Right on Chaz, the company I worked for Penn Traffic or Riverside Markests was taken over by an investment banker, he ran the company into the ground, sold assets, screwed stockholders horribly, he lives in Rye New York with I am sure an obscene amount of money, what's infuriating is that what he did was completly legal!
Dave wrote:
I agree 100%. Wealth does not always make you happy either!

for the sake of argument, I'll agree, but it doesn't always make you unhappy either. Since it doesn't seem to enter into the equation, I'd rather have it. :-D
Wulff-Man wrote:
RangerKeen wrote:
College is no tthe answer for everyone or for wealth . I never graduated college and make over a grand a day .. its how you apply yourself
RangerKeen, I didn't know the armed forces paid so well. What are you, a mercenary or something? (Please don't tell me if you have to kill me.)

Maybe he only "works" a few days a year ... 😛
You are all right, wealth doesn't make you happy but it's sure better to cry in a Ferrari than a Civic.
Abut a year ago I left the Army ,( which pays like crap ,even with all the extra pay) And I now am a Private Contractor for a government agency overseas in Iraq mainly and do some training for our spec op forces .. I work about 2-3 months a year now and fish the rest .........
Wulff-Man Wrote:

"RangerKeen, I didn't know the armed forces paid so well. What are you, a mercenary or something? (Please don't tell me if you have to kill me.)"

WulffMan – I met Ranger not long ago, and I wouldn’t mess with him! He can Step 25 you in less than a second – and that’s through both your waders AND your fleece pants!
If they are including some of their recipes at Slate Run with the sale of the fly shop, I might be tempted to buy it.
To everyone out there complaining about the evil rich, would you rather live in a communist society? The fact is that the so called wealth gap is not growing. America has a vibrant, healthy and growing middle class. You need to turn off cnn and the net work news at some point and seek out the truth. BTW, how many jobs have you had from a poor man?

Also, there was a constant attack on the republicans. Well, the truth is that the richest politicians are democrats, another inconvenient truth. And, the democrats recieve more big corporate money than republicans.

Instead of going through your life whinning and crying about the evil rich, why don't you take some time and learn how they got where there are. "The Millionaire Next Door" is a good place to start to learn the real truth behind the so called evil rich.

Before you get started on me, no, I am not rich, not even close. Actually, I am barely getting by after an accident ended my career and left me to start completely over. But I am starting over, not giving up and complaining about who has what.

BTW, the top 1% of money earners pay over 1/3 of all federal income taxes. The top 50% pay over 96% of all federal income taxes.

For what it is worth now, I miss going up to Slate Run, the old Manor and fly shop. If anyone remembers seeing the aerial of the mouth of Slate, the Manor and the fly shop hanging in the shop, well I took that about ten years ago.

Great photo! It's interesting to see a stream you've fished from the air. You get a different perspective on the stream valley and surrounding landscape. If you have more such photos, I'd love to see them.

Several years ago I read about some outfit who was flying over and videologging a long section of the West Branch Susquehanna and surrounding countryside. I'd like to see those photos too, but haven't heard anything about that lately.

If anyone knows any good sources of air photos of the forested parts of the state, please let me know. I've seen some air photos on the web, but they were poor resolution and I couldn't figure out how to determine their location.

This photo is great. You can tell the location, and it's a sharp, clear photo.

IF you have Delorme's Topo USA software you can download what they call ADP's or Aerial Data Packs that include satellite, aerial and USGS Quad views.

Unfortunately you have to pay for them and they only work in Topo USA but they are way cool! I have most of Slate Run as an ADP and I can overlay tracks I've recorded with my GPS and seem them on the photo IN 3D!

The good news is if you buy Topo USA they give you like $50 worth of ADP's for free.
On the bright side some things carry on under new ownership. The new owners of the Waterville store kept the fly shop after Frank left and up in Cherry Springs the store has lived on under new owners. I even took notice that there were some people sitting at the bar at the Black Forest in when I went by on Sunday. Lets hope that someone like minded takes up roots at Slate Run. It seems vacation home prices are fickle these days. The number of deer hunters has diminished and snowmobilers w/o snow are reluctant to buy. I'm seeing a lot of retired people buying cabins around me. Granted, waterfront property carries a higher price tag than mountain top and with it, those with different interests. I haven't been up to Slate Run lately, are there many other places along that stretch of water that are for sale or are they all bought up as soon as they hit the market?
I kept tellin you greenhorns all through last winter that trouble was a brewin with this here fancy Pa Wilds thingamajig. But everybody knew better and told ol' Festus that he wuz full of bee's wax because ya never figgered it would affect ya's. I tried tellin ya that scalowag Rendell varmint wuz bad news to. Now I ain't supposin any of ya are recollectin that are ya?

I reckon ya ain't seen nothin yet. I heard it from a one of them reliable sorts, that ol' Rendell has the signmakers paintin up a new billboard for Jersey Shore that reads WELCOME TO THE WESTERN POCONOS.
jeeeeez, festus I have one in my front yard, with an arrow pointing to your house......... :-D :-D
I'm not bitter!
jeeeeez, festus I have one in my front yard, with an arrow pointing to your house.........

I hope nun of them varmists come to my house. My patience is wearin thin these days. Seems like wherever I go, I've managed to surround myself with idiots.

Other day I wuz standing down at the Qwassee Slide reading one of them thar new fangled signs they put up, and some cracker in a SUV sumptin or other with a TU hat on pulls up 'n tells me I h'ain't allowed to fish bait no more. If that vermint wouldna had his little granbaby with him, I'd a thrown 'em in the Pine. :-x
Maybe they should take it a step further and just put a sign at the Delaware River saying "Welcome to Western New Jersey"