Simple repair for cracked-in-half fly line?

Being cheap? Man, I'm an expert in that field.

No, you said you werent going to retire it because you're contrary. Sooner or later your flyfishing will suffer from this just when you needed it LEAST. You know, the days when you've had all the B.S. you can handle and can really use some relaxing with the flyrod. Thats when the line really falls apart and you're normal savior is now compounding the B.S.
I've done what you're doing and that line looks very familiar. You dont have to take my word for it. I merely ask you remember me when this happens. :)
Squaretail wrote:
I've done what you're doing and that line looks very familiar. You dont have to take my word for it. I merely ask you remember me when this happens. :)

Promise made.

I like to view these sorts of cosmic jokes at my expense as a neccessary part of keeping me humble, though. Otherwise, I'd be full of myself.

Really full of myself.

littlelehigh wrote:
next year when Allen lines are 20 beans each instead of 10 your gonna be kickin yourself.

FWIW I didn't even notice her legs was to busy admiring her chest errr shirt

I'm actually not all that enticed by the Allen lines, mostly because of my less than thrilled satisifaction with the Bean-marked SA lines. They just seem less good.

And yet, I'm willing to roll the dice on a "factory second" line. I don't even understand the crap I do sometimes.

Also, wrong thread for chick comment. I had to go back and review, and I'm pretty sure you're cross pollinating thread. There are no basement horses in this thread, but I fear that may change, now.


Keep them coming Gary-I need the laugh.
I will be seventy monday,went for my morning walk and a buzzard landed and strolled right across in front of me.No more than 20 feet away,I didn't realize they would come that close to a human.Unless they sensed or smelled something.
I was actually worried for an instant it might fly up and peck at my eyes the way I read they do when they know an animal has about had it.True story-:}

You don't a day over 65, duder! Just stay [d]young[/d] not-quite-as-decrepit at heart.
Time timing was funnier than h---,still laughing at the buzzard.Never been that close before.
pete41 wrote:
Time timing was funnier than h---,still laughing at the buzzard.Never been that close before.

Don't worry, you'll have a new PB soon enough, sir.
Hey what line weight ya lookin for i might have one that you could have . Its a rio or cortland i have a few lines that i have never used or used once and went back to what works for me...Cortland 444 DT floater in line weights 3,4,5,and 6,as well as Rio Windcutter WF floaters in 4,5,and 6 weight
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
littlelehigh wrote:
next year when Allen lines are 20 beans each instead of 10 your gonna be kickin yourself.

FWIW I didn't even notice her legs was to busy admiring her chest errr shirt

Agree. Get it while it's hot.

What legs/chest are you speaking of?

I don't know if anyone noticed, but I do have another brandy new line that's replaced this one which was relegated to bang around duty. I thought I said that.

He's referring to Amber Amputee, posted in the basement horse pity party thread.
...and Wolve, if you're looking to unload Windcutter 2 lines, there may be an exchange of monies and product in your future.
Gfen Selective trout and im still looking thru.
How in God's name do I get line for $10?
PatriotFly26 wrote:
How in God's name do I get line for $10?

I think they are talking about Allen, a site sponsor you see over on the right hand column of this page. However, it appears to be $22 unless there is still a special for PAFF.
Or you go here:

gfen wrote:
Or you go here:


Have you tried the 2nds? I saw that site before, but usually go by the what looks to good to be true idea? Just wondering...

Not yet, actually. For all the grandstanding, when it came time for a new line, I ended up buying a Cortland Sylk at firesale prices because I was familar with the line characteristics and wanted them.

For the seconds, I keep thinking, "I should do this!" and never buying it.
gfen wrote:

Not yet, actually. For all the grandstanding, when it came time for a new line, I ended up buying a Cortland Sylk at firesale prices because I was familar with the line characteristics and wanted them.

For the seconds, I keep thinking, "I should do this!" and never buying it.

Well I think I am... I need a new line for my 6 wt ITS CRACKED!!haha ... Ill let you know how they look.
gfen wrote:
Or you go here:


Ok I contacted this place selling the seconds, perhaps I was foolish to think this, but I was under the impression these were sharkskin 2nds and the place said that is not the case. Basically these are a hodge podge of assorted lines. FYI