Significant other fly fishing?

I took my wife one time when we were on vacation. She went back to the car complaining that there were to many bugs. I told her that was what fly fishing is all about, the bugs.
As an engineering student I greatly appreciate that just not one of those jokes i can tell "her."
If my wife goes, it's usually jusdt to take pics on mountain streams. Not so much with kids now though.

She did fly fish twice, but both times turned into arguements.
Joy is perfectly willing to go fishing with me almost any time I ask her. Her participation, however, is limited to sitting in her chair, reading, and occasionally asking "Nothing yet, Hon?" (She's sitting close as I type this telling me she said that only in a supportive way)

Picts and I'll tell you if they should go streamside. I am the judge.
My girlfriend has been fishing with me for about 7 years now. I first got her fishing for smallies using a spinning rod while we were canoeing. She caught many smallies that day and was having a lot of fun. I then started taking her trout fishing and she used a spinner. She really started having fun and she got damn good at it too. I finally intoduced her to fly fishing about three years ago. She genuinely loves it. She doesn't know much about insects and equipment, but she can catch fish. She now owns her own fly rod.

Now, the good thing about having a girlfriend fish is that you get to fish a lot. The bad thing is that you are always fishing with her. Take that how you want. I enjoy fishing with my GF, but there are times that I would rather fish alone or with some friends. She doesn't get a lot of vacation days, but I do so that is where I get my "other" fishing in.

All in all, I would rather have a GF that fished, but there are some bad things about it too.
I have asked my wife, repeatedly, if she would like to ff. Her response, "absolutely not."

However, she loves reading streamside and watching. Quite possiblely, she is sitting streamside and mentally spending insurance payouts. lol

My granddaughter is asking "when our we going ff, Poppy." This year we will.

I tried to get my wife to fish. She used to go with me and spin fish but she never had a passion for it. No interest in learning anything. I wish she would of picked it up then she would have a hobby besides nagging me all the time. ;)
fishbaithohaha wrote:
I have asked my wife, repeatedly, if she would like to ff. Her response, "absolutely not."

However, she loves reading streamside and watching. Quite possiblely, she is sitting streamside and mentally spending insurance payouts. lol

My granddaughter is asking "when our we going ff, Poppy." This year we will.

Be sure to get out with the grandaughter as much as you can.
They grow up fast and change interests.
Mine used to love to fish with me. Until she started getting into her video games and whatnot.
She's a teenager now, and going fishing with pap is probably the last thing on her mind.
Fishing is my get away. I prefer to keep it that way. Friends are obviously welcome, but not the lady.
Many years ago my wife decided she wanted to give fly fishing a try. Heck, I even built her a fly rod.

Anyhow, it was like teaching my son to fly fish all over agin... just worse. :-o I knew she was just trying to do it to spend more time with me, but thankfully, she gave up on it. :lol: She's a great gal, and tried hard, but fly fishing just wasn't her cup of tea... and caused me great pain. :-D
My wife is my hunting and fishing partner, we dont always fly fish together but we do go a good bit together
My wife learned to fly fish 2 years ago, and she loves it. Except for the wading. She is the most "doppic" person ever to wear waders. She falls in a lot. But I am patient with her. I just love that she is my companion on the streams. She caught her first trout on a fly rod in Kettle Creek on Mother's day 2 years ago. It was snowing - a picture perfect moment.

We got married on Hyner Vista last May, and 2 hours later we fished Young Woman's Creek. Spent 9 days at the cabin fishing Kettle Creek, Pine Creek, Cross Fork Creek, and a few un-named others.

One more thing. Grown men don't cry when they fall in, but grown women have been known to do so. Be patient and understanding.
My ex wife was a rather unpleasant individual. I tried to teach her how to fly fish but i couldn't handle the constant bitching and complaining. If you find a girl that enjoys fly fishing consider your self lucky.
outsider wrote:
She caught her first trout on a fly rod in Kettle Creek on Mother's day 2 years ago. It was snowing - a picture perfect moment.

Snow in mid-May? It's official, global warming is officially a bunch of b.s.!
I tried to teach my wife simply how to cast once when we were dating. Long story short after the fly managed to brush the lashes of my right eye* I figured it was time to stop.

She asks me occasionally if I wished she liked fishing. I simply say the company would be nice but I know she doesn't enjoy it. It's time away which is good IMO.

She also partly conditioned due to the fact I had her out one early trout season. After several 'just 5 more minutes' which amounted to over an hour, she knew it wasn't meant to be.

I wear eye glasses. Figure that one out.
She's not interested at all!!!!!!
That being said, I deserve time away with no distractions. Including the "Other."
Nancy fishes and she’s good at it. After 35 years of marriage, most of our arguments are about coming off the stream. With her it’s always “just one more cast”. What you could be looking forward too, it buying for two. :) We often fish together but I/we also fish with my friends. What you end up with is someone who shares and enjoys something you feel the same about. I’m a lucky man……


You are a lucky guy.
interesting thread. Something I'm curious about, all those who state that they need their time on stream to themselves and see their wife/gf as an intrusion on that, how often do you get out on the water? Is each outing that important that it is a burden to bring along a newbie?

Reason I ask is that something I've learned recently while teaching my girlfrined to ski is that yes, like fishing, it would be cool to have a playmate who can 'keep up', but I've found that I get just as much satisfaction from sharing and teaching a passion as I get from the actual doing. I've chased my share of dragons on skis and bikes and she knows that there are times that I need to go out and play at my level with my peers (she's a strong road cyclist, but beginner on the mtn bike and understands what the 'Sunday ride' with my buddies is all about, she doesn't expect nor desire to tag along on those). But I don't see teaching her something new in that realm as a burden. I've skied plenty of epic powder days in my time, I've fished plenty of epic hatches, etc, and so I don't mind giving one up now and then to spend a day out with her sharing those pursuits.

I'm extremely lucky in that her dad also flyfishes and we've been invited to tag along on a trip to Montana later this summer. So, yes, I will be teaching her to flyfish over the next few months and I fully expect to not fish much myself while doing so. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make, and she also realizes that when I need to hit the Letort or escape to the mtns for a day of harassing brookies, that that's something I need to do on my own. Maybe someday she'll advance to that level where we can share those experiences, but I no longer feel the need for every fishing outting to be all that. Sharing with her the passion for being on the water will be enough for me that I won't feel as though I'm giving something up by having to 'deal with' her while she's learning.

Who knows, maybe she'll pick it up quick and I'll have a new fishin' buddy. If not, she'll at the least have a better understanding about what draws me to those quiet moments of solitude out on the water.