
I hope they replace it with a lesser expensive series so Fredrick will quit making fun of me.
I dont doubt some lines cast or present an offering better than lessor i.e. cheaper lines, but I think one has to be a superior caster before that element comes into play- something I think most people are not- and that includes myself.

I dont think a fly line is going to make an average caster better. Not talking about streamer,spey or salt line tapers but just the majority of trout fishing lines.

gutcutter wrote:
you'll get new lines... especially if you choose to tell them they are current models and purchased at full retail

So, in other words, lie.
And everybody wonders why the cost of FF gear is so high...

...i was being sarcastic

acristickid wrote:
I dont doubt some lines cast or present an offering better than lessor i.e. cheaper lines, but I think one has to be a superior caster before that element comes into play- something I think most people are not- and that includes myself.

I dont think a fly line is going to make an average caster better. Not talking about streamer,spey or salt line tapers but just the majority of trout fishing lines.

Agree on casting, disagree on presenting an offering better. Can I cast better with it? Depends. Certain special casts yes, but any additional distance, no. But it rides high and dry and you can pick up line, mend, etc like a champ. It does handle nice.
Form reply from SA . . .

"Dear Jeffrey,

Thank you for your interest in 3M(TM) Scientific Anglers(TM) products.

The fastest way to repair/replace your SA product is to return it to the
dealer/place of purchase.

If that is not an option, you may return the complete item to the address
below. For Rod repairs, you may return the broken section and exact
description off of the rod butt, if it's 2-pc or 4-pc and the color to the
address below.

Please include a note briefly explaining the problem, your return address,
and your phone number. The item will be reviewed at this time. If we have
questions or determine that there will be a fee, we will contact you before
proceeding so be sure to include your return address and phone number.

There is a $15.00 fee for rod section replacements. Reel and Rod repairs
take up to 4 weeks."

Guess I will send them in.
I have been checking out this thread, and I just thought I'd chime in. I have a sharkskin on my 10 ft greys and my 4wt bIIx. I will never fish another line, and I've run the all of the lines. They just cast like a champ. I've been fishing the on my 10 footer since august last year (a ton of use), and it has done an admirable job, through the cold weather too. I'm tough on my equipment, and this is a real gem of a line, in my opinion of course.