


Nov 17, 2007
The "poorman's tarpin" are beginning their run at the Conowago dam. A freind of mine caught about 20 on Friday (04/10). The water is still a little cold, but should be changing shortly. I hope the numbers are up from the past few years.
Any stripers down there? I'm considering a night trip.
Man do I love fishing for some shad. My buddy was at Deer this past weekend (Sunday) and said the water is still on the cool side-45 deg, he still caught 10 Hics though. I bet after this warm spell at the end of this week will result in a shad explosion. I'll be there on Sunday if I get done the honey-to-dos.

Jay actually you cant fish for striper below Conowingo in the Susky, you have to be out on the flats. So south of Int 95 bridge. Anyways, if I were you I'd save the miles and would be tossing my 8wt down below Fairmount dam, access is a mess though.
I've been planning to toss some streamers below the dam for a while. It's hard to get a backcast down there, but I might take the big spinning gear.

Thanks for the info!
Ya, I too have been planning on it. I only heard of the fishing down there but have never tried it myself, I may get a chance come the first weekend in May cause I'll be around town for a wedding. Take a look at the aerials for below the dam, there seems to be a couple of bars maybe only at low tide and low flow along the west bank, there may be more room out on those, if they exist. Well if you go let me know if it is worth it please. Also I know of another spot for striper and shad from the del riv shore which has been successful for me when I was a kid, although you may get a parking ticket. If interested, PM me.