^understood PENZZZ.

LehighRegualr is a regular on here, and he is a riparian landowner along Section 5. Here is what he has to say about the wild trout population and the change of regs:

LehighRegular wrote:

Re: Possible change of regulations on Penns Creek downstream of Cherry Run

As a riparian landowner along Section 5, and having read Mr. Klauger's survey, I would say it was very persuading against any type of new regulations for this section. We did not respond to his survey as a result.

Two weekends ago, I fished a 200 yd stretch of water in Section 5. In about 2hrs of fishing, I landed 12 wild brown trout, one of which was 18" and had one bigger pop off at my feet trying to get it in my net, very close to 20". The others landed were in the 14" range. Did I mention they were ALL wild trout? Not one was a stocked fish.

In all my years fishing Penns, when the PFBC stocked this section heavily, my catch of wild trout dropped. When reductions in stocking took place, the numbers of wild trout caught increased. Go figure? I say follow the science and protect these fish. They are a precious natural resource. Secondly, as a social aspect, I have witnessed while fishing the C&R stretch that it has become increasingly over crowded. By adding more regulated water, it may help spread out anglers a bit more and free up some space. Just a thought?

I've fished the section as well as many other anglers I know and have done well in the past. Plus if the population is deemed too low for anglers to have a quality experience, than it can be returned to the open regs. No one knows until C&R is tried.

BTW, let us not forget that the stocking area was extended further downstream, so no angler has lost any stream miles to fish.
PENZZZ wrote:
In April, one camp at Buick Blvd had 22 cars for opening day. Per the owners of the camp, six trout were caught. UCSC hadn't stocked the creek yet.

Sounds like the Section 5 parking issue exists even under the general regs. ;-)

Unless they were all guests of that camp of course.
Isn't there a pull-off by Little Mountain lane? I've seen it filled with about 6-7 cars before when it was prime fishing time. Not an "official" lot but that's not nothing.

As someone who fishes section 5 at Little Mountain about 4-5 times a year since 2012, myself and my good friend probably catch 10 wild browns to one stocked rainbow on average. I also don't think that I've caught a stocked fish in there in the past two years. And there are plenty of big wild browns in there, they can be finicky, but they're there.
To Mike:
I'm not sure I fully understand your line of questioning; however, I would encourage you to discuss this with your peers as well as other staff. I have had conversations with some of them and it is obvious C&R artificials is supported by some.

To others:
As for Class A designation that was passed at the last PFBC quarterly meeting and there will be no further stocking of sec. 5.

Regarding the "dubious" survey results, even by eliminating any fish which may have been equivalent to those surviving fingerlings from Union County Sportsmen the biomass was still above minimum required for Class A.

Finally, to say it is a fact that anglers fishing will park on private properties (assuming they will not gain permission first, I'm sure) is an afront to many. If I wouldn't do such a thing I believe there are more who would not, as well. We all know about making assumptions and pushing them as fact...
I'm posting my property and access to Section 5 if PFBC doesn't put on C&R regulations. Can the other side cry and stomp and complain too?

As Afish said:
BTW, let us not forget that the stocking area was extended further downstream, so no angler has lost any stream miles to fish.

More miles of trout water are being added. Nothing is lost. SHEEESH!!!!!

One thing landowners should understand is that their property values will likely increase in Section 5 now that its Class A and if the PFBC puts on C&R ALO regs.
So it appears Section 5 is going to be Class A Wild Trout (which was already done previously if I'm correct), but will be Catch and Release as of Jan 1st 2019. Saw Bruce at Penn's Creek Angler mention it briefly in a Facebook post today.

Glad this is happening though.
