Saucon Creek



New member
May 8, 2024
Bucks Co.

Planning on getting out to Saucon Creek this weekend and was hoping that someone could shed some light on what stretches of the Saucon are spring fed. I'm not asking for honey holes or anything just don't want to put any pressure on fish that are barely hanging in there this summer.

I would leave those Saucon fish alone. Even the Little Lehigh that tends to have more consistently cold temps has been peaking over 70 each day. No gage on Saucon, but if I see those kinds of temps on the Little Lehigh gage, I leave the rest of the Lehigh Valley limestoners alone because they tend to be in worse shape.

You also don't want to target fish concentrating around springs for survival. Give it a month to 6 weeks and there should be more favorable days than now.
Yeah agree with the above. Although the weather this weekend looks a bit cooler and coupled with the recent rains you might have some luck. Take a thermometer, get out early and be ready to pull the plug once things hit the mid 60’s. Personally I’m only fishing tailwaters for trout until late September but of course YMMV. Hell the po is only like 2 exits up the NE extension if you have to bail on the Saucon.