Santa is coming!



Jun 10, 2009
Ok guys I know there have been many rod discussions recently but mostly about allbright and other rods on sale, but I have around $400 to spend and am looking for an 8'6 4wt ,suggestions please!

Thanks in advance
Just for the rod Tom.
Wow, you now have an awful lot of choices. Unfortunately the only rod I wold spend that much on and 400 won't cover it is that Helios. It really freaked me out how light it is. Of ones that I have actually cast (belonging to other people) in that price range would be the st croix legend. The problem with that 400 figure is that there are a bunch of great rods that top out at just under 300 then to get to the next level it jumps almost to 600. There aren't a lot of 400 fly rods out there. The Sage flight for 330 is nice rod also. I only cast that one in a parking lot but it cast really well.
I agree Tom but the Helios is just too expensive! I would love one though, not sure wether its worth saving up a bit more to get one it really that much better. How did the Flight feel, is it still light? I really want a light rod.

So for the rods that top out $300 what would be your choice, I have been looking at the Redington CPX which weighs 2.3/8 oz.
Just been looking at the Hydros (second lightest rod) its $495 maybe an option!
Its not as light as the helios, obviously. But its a little smoother and softer. I think a few guys on here picked up some CPX rods last year during a sale. They might be able to help there.
There's really more to a "light" rod than only the weight in ounces. A 2 1/2 oz rod can actually feel "lighter" when casting than a 2 oz rod. The "light in hand" feel can be attributed to the design of the taper and materials used in making the rod.

As Tom posted, there is a #OOPS#z load of nice rods at that price point. With that being said, your mission should be to cast as many rods in your price range and pick from there. Even try some rods at a higher price than you wish to spend just for sake of comparison. You may find many mid-priced rods work as good or better for you than the higher priced one.

If you have the patience, the January FF show in Somerset, NJ is a great place to try out a bunch of different rods side-by-side. Good luck.
Another tip is if you put your location under your avatar, even if you just put sepa or nwpa, someone may recommend a place near you where you can check them out before January.

:lol: :lol: I just noticed I no longer had a location...duh
Thanks Afish, what rods do you own?
Thanks Tom , I will do that right now.
Mostly Sage, some Loomis, some rods I made from blanks. But rod preference is definitely an individual thing. All the major rod companies make great rods in the $300-400 price range. It's up to you to find the one with your name on it! Actually, that's part of the fun of it all.

If you spend some time to find a rod you really love, it will be with you and perform well for you for a long time.
Tom is pretty much right about the price range. You can get some really nice fishing rods in the under $400 range but the rods in the $400 to $600 aren’t quite worth it in my opinion. For the money the Sage Flight is a really nice rod and it is basically the Z-Axis blank except not finished as nicely.

If you want high-end and want to stay below $400 possibly consider buying a used high-end rod. If you look around you can probably pick up a high-end Sage, Winston, Scott, Loomis, etc., in the $250 - $350 range. I know used rods don’t come with a warranty but I picked up a used Winston WT 8’, 4 wt rod for $250 (new is around $650). In 35 years of fishing I’ve never broken a rod so my rationale when buying it was even if I do break this rod a new section will cost me $200 - $250 and even after that I’m still $150- $200 ahead of buying it new. You can also find some good deals on eBay for new rods from non-authorized dealers (i.e., no warranty) in the $350-$450 range. Again, break a section you will pay for a replacement but you’ll probably be no worse off than buying it new at full retail.

Not knowing what action rod you prefer, on the Winston forum the 8’-6”, 4 wt Winston Biit is referred to all as, the “Staff of Moses.” I do not own this but I have cast it several times and it is one really SWEET 4 weight rod.

Also, you seem to be favoring a light rod – why?

Overall, try as many rods as you can. What feels good to me may feel like crap to you.
Thanks for all your advice AFish.
Thanks GW very imformative.
I have to agree with GreenWeenie. I can also say that I own a few of the Winston BII series (the x's and mx's as they are faster than the t's) and I can say that they are heavenly sticks. That said, it all boils down to how it feels to the wielder.
atlantisboy911 wrote:
Ok guys I know there have been many rod discussions recently but mostly about allbright and other rods on sale, but I have around $400 to spend and am looking for an 8'6 4wt ,suggestions please!

Thanks in advance

Rod choice is a very personal thing, but if I could have only one rod for trout in PA, this would be my choice:

Sage XP

I have the 8'6" 4wt, and it is my absolute favorite rod. The link I posted above is for a brand new rod, with a lifetime warranty - from an authorized Sage dealer.

Here's mine:

Heritage, is it really worth the extra money, its going for about $500 and according to the specs it is a bit heavier than some rods that don't cost quite as much.

Please tell me a about the rod, what makes it your favourite?