Saltwater Flyfising- the big lie.



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
I was so frustrated I yelled!

Been putting in my time- wading my rear off in the bay- which takes a half mile walk down the beach to an old pass that has filled in with sand. The old pass is now a short strip of beach that seperates the beach from the bay. (Sarasota's Midnight Pass)

Everyday I felt like a get a little closer but yet have not sealed the deal on the redfish. Found a nice hole where they hang out (full moon low tides- they hang out in the deep spots in the bay). I have hooked into 2 of them-solid takes but cant get a good hook set and there off. Glad no one was a around as I let a few choice words fly.

Got the hook ups on a chartruse and white clouser.

I learning and getting closer each time so that sorta pacifies me for the time being.

Boyer- this is Jim Neville Marine Perserve.

Need to land one soon before I break something!

Surf casting is weird too.


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The longer the wait, the greater the reward!
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate
the mind on the present moment."
Good stuff Kid. We're eagerly awaiting the redfish pics up here in snowy, 20 degree PA......

No pressure. :-D
r u fishin the right tide ? or moon, or flat ?
I'd like to feel sorry for you but its cold here and warm there and you still have it better. See, you have to work at it and work is for suckers, right?
Ha, good stuff.

TG-Not much of an accomplishment if it is not tough to me. Although everything seems tough in this fly fishing game.

sandfly- Probably better spots and maybe some more productive times (with tides and moons) but alas I a limited by only being a wader (cant get everywhere in the bays) and limited use of a borrowed vehicle to get around. I would not complain though.

Going to switch leaders- have been using a couple big peices of maxima tapered down to 8 and 10 lb flouro- maybe 9 ft. Gonna go to a shop today and buy a store bought tapered leader- maybe a 10 or 12 footer and see if that may make a difference.

The cold snap a couple weeks back did'nt help the fishing thats for sure. Hope to learn more when I head out this week with a fish biologist and a couple guides to do a snook survey. Hoping to pick their brains while I got a captive audience. hehehe

Back to the salt mines....
Did you buy those clousers down there? Do they have a pretty good hook gap..too big a hook gap? Are they sharp? Could your leader be too long?
not to embarrass you but are you sure they are reds? i.E. and to wit-did you see them-reds seldom throw a hook-I don't recall one ever doing that-on the other hand flounder which live in the same area and will hit the same artificials have very hard mouths and often[probably 65% of the time]throw the hook.
don't feel bad paul-those fishing shows are B.S.-you are playing the searching game-
even though I know my waters well I will still cover about two miles in my kayak to find where the action is on any day and often there isn't any.
Fun stuff.

N- but they are the same as the shops flies.
Y-unknown but same as the shops
N- my leader has been about 9 ft and probably should be several feet longer- gonna use a flouro tapered 12 footer next.


Why would I be embarrassed? Just a journeyman here. Always open to advice.

There are definetly redfish in the hole- but could be speckeled trout too. They have been actively crashing bait after the cold as the water has warmed back up. The advice I was given locally was to look for deepers spots on the edge of flats.

Pete- when was the last time you fly fished? hehehe

I apoligize in arrears for my inadequecies. hehehe
Hopefully some of the guides can fill in some of the blanks for me.
If you are getting hits but not hooking up I'm not so sure they should be longer. You might have a lot of slack sub surface that doesn't allow you to get a good hook set on the take. If you are already getting hits it definitely does not need to be any longer. Shorten it up and see if you can't get a better hook set.
It could be small fish hitting your fly try going smaller .
midges work-lol
betting its flatties-been there done that.
Hey Kid,

Try using a Clouser Foxxy Red Minnow pattern, I used them in Virginia a couple of falls ago and could not keep the reds off the hook. A slow, jigging retrieve worked best and remember where the mouth is located on them things. Reds root through oyster beds and such, kinda like a carp. I would even try a tan weighted wooly bugger if thats all I had, it's more about presentation than anything.

I never go over 9 foot in salt, if any thing shorter leaders. keep your rod tip down at the water level and slip strike when you feel the fish. on flatties this works great. most salt fish will take a size 1 to 2/0 no problem...could be mullet hitting to. then a size 6 hook and a worm or clam fly would work...You can pay my way and I'll bring all the flies, rods/reels, etc. down plus my 4 x4 van all rigged..
Thanks for the information!

Sandy- if I hit the powerball- get ready to roll.
Paul! Turn right at turtle beach! Probably won't get into reds, but the snapper and sheepshead will tear that stuff up! I've also gotten into Spanish Mac's right at the beach access in the breakers, although I'm not sure why they are there,as it's the only place I've hit them in the surf, but hey, glad you're getting out at least. Keep the pics coming.

Will not be long and the back bays will be open in Jersey.


Saw your comment about casting in the surf as well.... If you are not using a stripping basket currently, it makes all the difference in the world.... even if you are wading where there is some current or tide movement.

I echo some other sentiments as well.... no need to go 12 feet on the leader for reds and your hook can never be too sharp... I prefer to flatten down the barb as well.

If you are a newbie to salt, I think the hardest transition most trout guys have is getting a good hard strip strike rather than lifting the rod. I am no pro, but have crusted a decent amount of salt water on my gear to have made plenty of blunders!

Good luck and tight lines. :)
Ha- you said it.

I enjoy the practice. The dreaded "yankee lift".