Sage Z-axis



New member
Apr 30, 2007
I'm curious to hear any opinions on the Sage Z-axis.
Tried a 9ft. 5wt. a couple of months ago. A Sage rep happened to be at the shop.
Its fast. Very similar to the XP. In fact, there's hardly any difference at all in performance. Just feel. I'd probably consider the Z if I could find a reel light enough to balance it.

I’m a big Sage XP fan, I’ve cast the Z-axis and it’s lighter than the XP, and a little more flexable in the tip, IMHO. I’m not the best caster for distance, but it seems to handle distance as well as the XP using slightly less power in the stroke – nice rod. That’s my opinion - everyone has one, but it doesn’t really matter, your opinion is the only one that counts. I would cast the z-axis along with the Winston BIIx, the Scott S3 and any other comparable rod in the shop. Cast some of the mid-priced rods too before you buy. Good luck.