safety: fishing rough, remote topography

If you mean me-have been too embarrassed to wear any western down here.I stepped on a gator-
I've fallen and i can't get up!!!! You can keep a nice little emergency kit in a smoke less tobacco can , it's waterproof so ......matches , razor blades , needles , alluminum foil (In case you need a hat) , baggies , water tablets , band aids , etc. all in a snuff can. Throw a few of those valiums in there eh?
This is a really cool post K-Bob!!!
great thread. I have another reason to carry a lot of water on fishing trips: After hiking and fishing in ravines for hours, plus the 3-5 hour roundtrip drive, I sometimes get wicked charlie horse cramps... ouch! and more water helps with that.
k-bob wrote:
great thread. I have another reason to carry a lot of water on fishing trips: After hiking and fishing in ravines for hours, plus the 3-5 hour roundtrip drive, I sometimes get wicked charlie horse cramps... ouch! and more water helps with that.

I often get brutal leg muscle cramps too after these jaunts. Often when driving home, or when getting out of the car.

Drinking chocolate milk after hard exercise, for muscle recovery, is advocated by many runners and other athletes and trainers.

I've started drinking chocolate milk immediately after the hike and I think it does help.
troutbert... it is usually my right leg and hits after the drive home, so I think driving is a part of it... using cruise control seemed like a good idea, because I always have a long highway drive to and from the streams. will trychocolate milk too
I'm not a fan of all chocolate milks, but some are good. I love Turkey Hill's version...
Huh cramps in legs---called P.A.D. I have it all day long and have had the legs stented from groin to knee's. walking to the mailbox brings it on, and yes i drink a gallon of water a day. You might want to get tested for it.
My fishing buddy was diagnosed with P.A.D. they suggested a stint in his leg , he did it and his troubles went away. They tried other methods but the stint finally did the trick. Now he can outwade me again.
I fish near people all the time so my extent of survival is a couple napkins from mcdonalds for tp :)

I have had so many women drop trowel right in front of me when nature calls while im wading...It's almost as if im perfectly camoed with the water. The best is when they notice me i just wave and smile.
When I'm heading out I always take along my buddies, Smith and Wesson.
I think this is a great thread and safety is always a concern of mine as well especially since tragedy has hit my family in the past. My uncle died in a hiking accident. He slipped and fell down a steep embankment. When he fell he hit his head and punctured one of his lungs. He was a doctor who could bench press over 400 pounds and squat over 600 pounds. He was gifted physically and mentally but accidents happen. An accident can happen to anyone. I am usually pretty cautious but was not aware of all these communication gadgets people have mentioned. I will be looking into them.