Rods with two line weights.. WF vs. DT.



Active member
Apr 8, 2007
I know there's a general answer here, but I can't seem to find it quickly..

Yes, line weights are suggestive, but let's stick to the theory the manufacturer knows best...

You buy a fly rod, and its rated 5/6. IIRC, one of these is generally suggested as the WF taper weight, and the other is the DT weight, right?

So, which is which? Would that 5/6 be 5WT/6DT, or 5DT/6WF?
I'm not sure what the formally correct answer is, but I'd say it depends on the application.

If you're fishing at a bit of a distance, the DT will be a good bit heavier than the WF, as there is more fat line in the air. At close range, it shouldn't matter.

I guess that means that I'm going with 5wf/6dt.
Not sure if this is applicable to graphite rods but a boo rod labeled 5/6 specifically means DT5 or WF6 line.
5/6 markings by a manufacturer mean a 5 weight DT or a 6 weight forward. Much easier than the old letter designation HEH,HDG etc. That was very confusing.
Oops. I mixed up my conclusion. Based on what I said, I'd have to agree with these guys. DT is heavier than weight forward.
Double post, and an interesting bug related to the server issues. The post registered, but didn't show up in the reply count.
I don't know, but a case-by-case, or rod-by-rod, trial is warranted.

I recently started using a St. Croix Imperial from the late 90's. It's a 9 ft, 3/4 graphite but very soft action (They "updated" the action recently to a faster model and now make it in Mexico).

Anyway, I found that it balances best with a DT-3 on my Medalist 1494. If it had been a faster rod, probably a 4 weight would have been better.
Glass, actually. But, the truth holds and it looks like we've got the agreed upon answer.

I was waffling to 5DT/6WF, as well, but wanted to get the peanut gallery suggestion. The cheap line I'm using leaves me unamused everywhere, and when I eventually spend a couple bucks on a clearance line, I wanted to make sure I went in the most logical direction.
Gfen, I have and use several glass rods. They are all loaded with Cortland Classic "Sylk" flyline. I don't think you will find a better performing line for Glass or Bamboo.
I have a 3DT sylk from my old 'boo rod, and would gladly buy another one should I find it on the clearance rack. :)

Sometime early next year, LL Bean will liquidate this year's stock of unsold fly line. At that point, I'll sweep in and for the price of one Sharkskin, have enough GPX Mastery to keep me stocked for another year for every rod.

I'm just waiting for the call to go out, I think this is the year of DT's for the new lines.
gfen wrote:
I have a 3DT sylk from my old 'boo rod, and would gladly buy another one should I find it on the clearance rack. :)

Sometime early next year, LL Bean will liquidate this year's stock of unsold fly line. At that point, I'll sweep in and for the price of one Sharkskin, have enough GPX Mastery to keep me stocked for another year for every rod.

I'm just waiting for the call to go out, I think this is the year of DT's for the new lines.

Add me to the HA calling list please. :)
DGC wrote:
I don't know, but a case-by-case, or rod-by-rod, trial is warranted...

I agree that "test-driving" your rod with different weight lines would a be good way to go.

I use a 7'6" 4/5 wt for brookie/small streams duty, and I've tried the rod with both DT-4-F and DT-5-F lines. The 4 wt line feels a bit light for the roll casts and short overhead casts I typically use, but the 5 wt line loads the rod well in these situations. However, for longer casts the lighter line works better. Just my $0.02; hope it helps...
I think the original question was more related to equivalent/interchangeable lines rather than overlining or underlining. Under normal casting conditions (under 30 feet of line in the air) a DT5 and WF6 line will result in similar rod loading characteristics and therefore can be considered somewhat equivalent and interchangeable lines. But going from DT5 to DT6 or WF5 to WF6 are not equivalent changes and will result in different rod loading characteristics under normal casting conditions.
Actually, it was to get the manufacturer recommended baseline behind the "5/6" designation.

Everything else out is experimentation, taper, line, etc. :)

The rod is marked 5/6, and I'm not happy with the 6WF on it now, so I know I'll have another line. OTOH, I'm not happy with ANY of the rods that have sported that 6WF, and I'm prone to blame the line rather than the rods. Since I want to get into some DTs going forward, if getting a 5DT is the proper starting point for that rod, plus should feel nicer on another 5wt, then its what I want, as opposed to having to buy both a 5DT and a 6DT. I'm cheap. And long winded.

Add me to the HA calling list please.

Just post when the clearance sale starts, HA. We want to support the Bean!
gfen wrote:
Add me to the HA calling list please.

Just post when the clearance sale starts, HA. We want to support the Bean!

Do you guys go into your workplace when you're not scheduled to work? Not me!

I suspect I'll make a guest appearance about March, or so. At that point, I don't need no stinkin' sale. :-D
You talk to people, just have Steve or George tip you off.

C'mon, do it for us, your fly tyin' symposium sidekicks! Well, that's me.. Jay's gonna have to find his own niche.

He likes doughnuts, sunsets, and long walks in the park...
I am actually not a big donut fan. Bagels, though, get my motor running.
It was poorly worded, I was suggesting ways to HA's heart.. cheif among them is greasy, all-you-can-inhale Chinese buffets.

However, now I know what needs to be done if I ever need favours from you, I guess. Cream cheese, butter, or lox?

So, Ed, you tell me when the clearance sale hits, and I'll take you out to lunch at the Hard Wok Buffet. ;)
This 'ol peanut learned something new today and i've even built a hal dozen or eight rods and never knew that the 4/5 , 5/6 , etc. was anything other than the suggested line weights for the rod/blank , in other words i didn't know DT and WF came into it at all ............THANKS too gfen.
gfen wrote:
So, Ed, you tell me when the clearance sale hits, and I'll take you out to lunch at the Hard Wok Buffet. ;)

Hard Wok Buffet?

My parents like that place, but I don't. There's a new trough in town - Eastern Supreme Buffet. Eighteen different kinds of sushi. I'm there (or will be for lunch).

Seriously - from what I've seen, all the fly lines at the C.V. Bean are current models. Don't hold your breath for any clearance sales anytime soon.