Rod Size on small streams

well duh how else do you think he gets pictures of browns when they aren't biting? lol
If I am in a situation where the rod is to long (7'6") I'll use only the tip section to cast. that being said for most small streams I use from 5'2" to 7'6" rods. (yes squashy that's a 5'2" fenwick 5 wt)
k-bob wrote:
"tb, two is better than one, right. wouldn't three be better than two? if you could select three fly rods for PA streams, would two of the three be the same model and same length?"

tb: "And 4 is better than 3, and 5 is better than 4 etc.

One time a flyfisher told me he owned 92 fly rods. He should be ready for nearly all situations."

I own ten rods, but do 90% of fishing with four of them. 92 may be overkill. three or four, not so much ? :)

I don't consider 3 or 4 overkill, or 13 or 14 for that matter.

I didn't mean that having a bunch of fly rods is a bad thing.

I meant that you can fish any trout stream in PA quite effectively with those 2 rods. It's a good thing for people starting out, and/or people on a budget, to know.

A lot of speciality rods are discussed, and that may give some beginners the impression that those rods are needed for particular types of fishing.

I agree with troutbert on his goto 2 rod quiver, and if I could only have one (perish the thought!) it would be a 7'6"/5wt. Plenty of oomph to reach out and handle heavier rigs, but not so long as to be unusable in tighter quarters.

But luckily, we don't have those restraints, so I'm more than happy with my quiver of a dozen plus rods, which seems to grow a little bit every year.
Agreed. My first real fly rod was a 7"6' 5 wt. That rod served me well as a do all rod for many years till I could afford another. For a two rod quiver in this state a 7 to 7.5 4 wt. and a 9' 5 wt. I love fly rods and it's a good thing they don't have breasts.
I have narrowed it down to a few rods.

I use a Cabelas TQR 5ft 2wt
An Orvis Superfine 6ft 4wt
Orvis Superfine 7ft 5wt
And what I believe to be the best I've used, a TFO Signature 6ft 2wt.

Brk Trt