Richardson Fly Box

it’s been sometime since I’ve dealt with these guy. They replaced inner foam in a couple of boxes as that old green foam disintegrated and turned to dust, I had them put removable snap in panels w/ micro slit foam in the outer nymph pad tray. At 1 time I had 4 of their boxes in different configurations. I bought all mine used either at local fly shops or from friends. There is I small problem with these boxes, when mid stream and having to re-tie tippet, change flies etc. I always tuck my rod under my right arm when i did that the rod often makes contact with the box edge which is a bit crisp. Never thought much of it till I looked at the flat of one of my quad bamboo rods. It did a job on the finish but I fish a lot.

Curiosity got me going. So I just found this Fye Box. I am happy with my vest. The foam is disintegrating. I need to figure out what I will do for foam.


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Curiosity got me going. So I just found this Fye Box. I am happy with my vest. The foam is disintegrating. I need to figure out what I will do for foam.

If you are talking about the foam in the bottom of compartment trays, plain old 1/8" craft foam sheets work just fine. I replaced the foam in some really old Richardson Box knock-offs with that stuff. I attached it with spray adhesive and it held up for years & years.

However, most likely the dividers are riveted in the box so you will have to drill out the rivets. If so, it's not a big deal and just leave them un-riveted which is the way all of my Richardson Box compartment trays are set-up.

If you are talking about foam for attaching flies in undivided boxes, there is thicker craft foam out there plus slit & ripple options.

BTW - Resist the urge to put foam on the lids of compartment trays. It is nothing but trouble for a lot of reasons.

Good luck!
Same 😂
Even the Montana guides passing me on the Bighorn River know exactly where I'm from.
"I bet you're whacking them aren't ya!?"

Maybe. 😁
We might take this for granted, but having traveled to fish a good deal - most guides when they hear that someone is from PA and fishes a lot in central PA assume that you’re a stick and can fish lights out. They aren’t wrong, usually.