Resica Falls Bush Kill creek



New member
Jul 15, 2019
Is anyone familiar with Resica Falls FFO section of the Bush Kill creek? Planning to get up there in 2 weeks. Which section is better (above or below the falls?)

Make sure you take the water temps - I imagine it'll be cooling off over the next two weeks or so though. Not sure what the stocking schedule is either for it, but if it hasn't received a fall stocking it might be a little sparse fish-wise.

I've had better luck below the falls - above the falls there is good water too but a little harder to access in some spots although there are trails that run a good length of it.

There is a trail access map at the parking lot by the falls that will show you which trails to take to access the stream both above and below. Below the falls there are some trails through the boy scout camp that make access too some pools pretty easy.
I emailed them asking when the Fall stocking was going to be held and was told they only stock trout in the Spring.

Thanks for the info.
Fall stockings have gradually diminished over the years statewide as angler counts have revealed light angler usage. Some counts have been much better than most and the stream sections where that has been the case continue to be stocked. I do not know the specifics of the Bushkill situation, however. My comment was of a general nature.