Replacing Flies



New member
Apr 28, 2018
I’ve been using the same fly for about 3 trips now nymphing. It looks different. At what point should it be replaced?
As long as it still produces, I keep using them until the material falls apart. Normally beat up flies produce more fish for me.
As long as you have confidence in the fly and it catches fish, use it.
If it catches keep using it.

I have had flies on for months before and was fortunate to have not lost them and they kept catching.

Agree with the above. Little streamer I have tied on currently is going on 50 fish lol. Looking a little skinnier but still catching.
Serve wrote:
I’ve been using the same fly for about 3 trips now nymphing. It looks different. At what point should it be replaced?

As others have pointed out, keep fishing with it. Nymphs often seem to become more effective as they start to get scruffier.

You should replace the fly if it starts to come unraveled. Also, the hook point is the most important part. When the point gets dulled and you are unable or unwilling to try to sharpen it... the fly should be considered finished.