Recession Busters

I frequent the second hand stores in our area and have found quite a few deals. I got fur collars off of winter coats made from fox.beaver.mink and rabbit all for the amazing price of one to two dollars each and even gave them back the coats just took off the collars. we were both happy with the deal. I have picked up all sorts of pyrex baking dishes and things for dying and bleaching at a fraction of the price of new ones. I also have asked all our neighbors that hunt for feathers and pelts they have responded in kind with woodduck mallard and bear. They are now looking for woodchucks but havent gotten one to me yet but its early here we still have some snow on the ground. I am lucky to live where we do we have great neighbors and good second hand stores. Fred
i have 2 storage ideas

i have used baby food jars to store hooks and beads in and those baby wipe containers make good storage for dubbing and other fly tying materials.
i like recession buster as a name of a fly :)
have 2 storage ideas

i have used baby food jars to store hooks and beads in and those baby wipe containers make good storage for dubbing and other fly tying materials.

Spoken like a true Dad!!. You beat me to it, I like baby jars for beads, pre-cut bead chain eyes and dumbell eyes.

Yeah about them woodchucks..alias groundhogs. Please don't touch them. They can carry hepatitis. I have a friend that traps them for studies.

I'm all about saving money, the clothing material that you mentioned can save you some dollars and is processed. Anything you grab off the road or friends give you that is not gotten with the appropriate license and during the appropriate season can get you fined. Also any raw materials can carry micro bugs and when combined with purchased expensive materials will not hesitate to infect all of your stuff. Carpet beatles can also be found in old clothing, they eat hair.

Just a heads up! I'm looking for a old lady that will take canning jars for barbless hooks. Hear what you're saying and feel the pain. Everything is way too expensive!

by flytyingfred on 2009/3/26 23:07:03

I frequent the second hand stores in our area and have found quite a few deals. I got fur collars off of winter coats made from fox.beaver.mink and rabbit all for the amazing price of one to two dollars each and even gave them back the coats just took off the collars. we were both happy with the deal. I have picked up all sorts of pyrex baking dishes and things for dying and bleaching at a fraction of the price of new ones. I also have asked all our neighbors that hunt for feathers and pelts they have responded in kind with woodduck mallard and bear. They are now looking for woodchucks but havent gotten one to me yet but its early here we still have some snow on the ground. I am lucky to live where we do we have great neighbors and good second hand stores. Fred
wet net thanks for the heads up on the groundhogs. All our neighbors are licensed hunters and nra members no funny business here.... fred