


Well-known member
May 3, 2011
Nice solid soaker. Good stuff.

Solid 1-2" right up the gut of the state.
Of course.

Its because Ive been planning a camping trip to ANF this weekend for a while now.

We could definitely use the rain though.
I think Berks got jipped. Surprised if we got half an inch, but could be wrong.
Yeah - was planning to hit Penns today. Blown out earlier this week and on her way up again. So much for that. Things sure have changed in the last month or so.
We thank you for your sacrifice, steveo27...

Looks to me like I won't be mowing the lawn tomorrow, but will find myself on a stream instead..
Penns and J blown and still rising.

Not looking good for days on either with more rain predicted.
J got hammered, between this and the other rain from a few days ago the river is up above 2,000 cfs today.

I was able to sneak in a few hours last evening and did surprisingly well despite the wind. This rain sure is a bummer, should make for a decent summer I hope.

With the streams blown out, how do they affect hatches? Do trout still rise in coffee water?
I'd be thrilled if everything stays unfishable through next weekend. Get those fish dumb again. Then it can drop and become perfect by about Wednesday the following week. Oh, and if you could throw in some clouds and drizzle from Wednesday the 17th to Sunday the 21st, but not enough to bring the streams back up, just enough to make all day hatches and keep a touch of color, that'd be great, thanks.
McSneek wrote:
Yeah - was planning to hit Penns today. Blown out earlier this week and on her way up again. So much for that. Things sure have changed in the last month or so.

We are in a lot better shape than we were 2 months ago, but far from great. At least for SE PA and Penns. Penns was dropping hard 2 weeks ago. It would be in bad shape if not for the last week of rain.
It seems for a lot of the last decade or better, we get a seriously rainy May. Right when things get rolling, Ma' Nature turns on the faucet and washes everything out. Since I've been back in this area, I've rarely had a season when I can fish the Allegheny for pre-spawn and spawning smallmouth.
As an example, just last year, Penns was rollicking right now. Water was low. Bug were abundant and the fish were rising. Then WHOOSH, rain shut it all down. It doesn't seem to be an episode of high water. That happens. It seems to be like this, a few weeks of washed-out fishing.

Here in the Williamsport area we have more water then we know what to do with. We haven't had low streams in a long long time. Our ground water table was full after that March snow storm. I don't see myself being able to fish for about 2 weeks now and that depends on whether we get more rain in that time. Streams are pretty much up at flood stage around here.
laszlo wrote:

With the streams blown out, how do they affect hatches? Do trout still rise in coffee water?

The hatches will keep coming off.
And fish will still rise - especially to big, yellow colored bugs like sulphers. Usually just in the slow water stretches from my experience.
Certainly not ideal conditions for dry fly fishing.
But it can be worthwhile.
laszlo wrote:

With the streams blown out, how do they affect hatches? Do trout still rise in coffee water?

The streams I fish will not see a single fish rise when the water become off color and on the high side. Too much feed is flowing into the stream plus visibility on the water surface is much more difficult for the fish.
Trout will often rise freely in water that is surprisingly high and off color, if there are a lot of bugs.

But there is a limit to that. It depends on how high and off color the water is.

If there are bridges getting washed out, you won't find much dry fly fishing.

In Central PA it is getting to the point were there is almost too much water. Going from severe drought conditions to almost flood conditions from one season to the next is not good. Streams that have marginal wild trout populations can be really hurt by the extreme water flows.
Southeast PA got less than predicted (as usual). Most local streams will be at or below average by tomorrow. That said we are in way better shape than last year and this cool weather is a big help as well.
Snow in the forecast? Who po the Weather Man ?
Got to 71 here with 20 + mph winds. Kinda chilly. GG
PA has much variety this year when it comes to precipitation. SE PA, SC PA, and Penns Valley had the worst conditions in the state. It has definitely improved for these three areas, but they are still behind compared to the rest of PA.