questions about line weights

Can I still go on here? Can I just reinforce ideas? Spend the $15-50 on a line that maches your rod. Spend another $5 on some tapered leaders and 5x tippet. A $1 buys you some stick on foam indicators (I can already hear the gnashing of teeth in the other posters). Another $20 on some sz14 and 16 flies. A rural Walmart will work just fine here. Or whatever store you have handy. Hare's Ears and Pheasant Tails (both nymphs/wets), no one can argue with those. Some wooly buggers coz they're fun to say and versatile. Adamses and Wulffs (both dries), neither of which is very useful right now but they're fun to use. Remember, its winter, and the fish are just a nice way of reinforcing the fun of fly fishing, the real joy is standing in a ice cold stream, in freezing wind, waving a stick above your head while ice forms on the rod. That's fun. No kidding!

Make your next post about how to cast. Sweet babby Jesus, don't ask about what flies to buy.... its winter, we're bored, and it'll get way confusing.
That post describes my first few years fly fishing, down to the pinch on indicators.