Rattlesnakes are endangered and you may be fined for killing one.
The Massasauga is also endangered same consequences.
I have taken mine fishing but only on a leash. At the cabin she just tears up the stream and spooks the fish.

I have an issue when people let their dog run free in areas where a leash is required. Having kids I can not stand hearing owners say "oh my dog is fine and trained" I have seen enough first time bites from a trained and safe dogs when it comes to kids.
Since the dog cannot catch fish, maybe bitten by a poisonous snake, might just spook the fish, etc. I would say leave that time for fishing with the wife and find another time when you can spend time with your dog and do dog things...roll in the dirt, **** on a tree or fire hydrant, etc.
The coyote encounter would be a rarity. The only time I can think you'd even see a coyote in the wild is if they were rabid. I've only seen one coyote in the daytime in PA and it slunk away quickly.

I've seen dozens of coyotes for every rattler I've seen. I've actually KILLED 6 coyotes in PA. All were in daytime. I've only seen 1 rattler.
Chaz wrote:
Rattlesnakes are endangered and you may be fined for killing one.
The Massasauga is also endangered same consequences.

Correct Chaz.

The Massasauga is endangered across its entire distribution area- Not just PA.

The Timber is only a candidate to be nominated as a threatened species.

I am not an advocate of wantonly killing any snake. They are quite useful and seriously misunderstood. They do serve a good purpose in the world. Once again, I am only saying kill it if you have been bit and don't know the species.

Seriously though, I could deal with a few less cottonmouths down this way. A couple years ago, a kid who was conducting assessment for Special Forces was bitten by one while doing land navigation and died. Deaths from Snakes are rare, but they do happen.

Regarding coyotes, they seem to be on a serious rise in the eastern US. Every night when I let my Labs out to **** before bed, they go psychotic because they can hear and smell them in the woods behind the house. I'll be dammed if I can see one when I am in the tree stand though.

I take my two labs with me fishing when I go places where there will not be many people. You will be fine with the coyotes. They will probably run away from if you even see any. I hope to see you out on the stream and I will respond to your email you sent me soon. Thanks,
I know this is an old post, but I have been taking my pit bull puppy to the streams I fish this winter and letting her off the leash and seeing how she acts. She has been pretty good for a 6 month old puppy. Sometimes she simply just wants to run but always comes when I call her. She has been heavily socialized with other dogs and humans, does the sit, stay and lay down. I thinking by 2 yrs old I can hopefully take her to the more remote places I fish with no trouble.
When I had a dog I didn't take him fly fishing. I like the G.P. and they have a leash law there. Hard to fish with dog on a leash. I love dog's but I think they shouldn't be on the river while you fly fish. There are to many other people fishing there also. It's easy for them to get distracted and annoy some one else. Just my 2 cents.
But officer the dog is on a leash, just not on my hand.
I think almost all areas in Pa. have leash laws. I like dogs but have a problem with some that come with owners that let them run and disturb my fishing. There is some common sense to be considered. Dogs are like kids some you can take anywhere some you can not. I think well behaved dogs can go almost anywhere in my book.