Purple Paint

When I owned a lot of acreage, I posted it because people had no respect for boundaries. Metal signs with my printed phone number went completely ignored by people who knew better. Now to be fair, that was not fishermen. I would have let anyone who asked fish my pond, but no one ever did.

Hunters hiding with rifles and zero orange. Guys tracking wounded deer without checking to see if it was ok, or if we were actively hunting. (I always gave permission to track and retrieve). A purposely trespassing group of trail runners called the Hash House Harriers. Wandering hikers walking through the property. People walking their dogs. People parking to do it. A drunk driver crashing behind my house - 1,000 feet down a private lane. A homeless guy camping. A naked prowler. And two breakins.

And people wonder why landowners post.
While we are contemplating which punishment to mete out for the VERIFIED posting of property not owned by the individual posting...

...we should also decide what punishment we would like for individuals who remove or alter legally posted signs that pi$$ them off which should include PFBC signage restricting access, fishing methods, seasons or creel limits...
When I owned a lot of acreage, I posted it because people had no respect for boundaries. Metal signs with my printed phone number went completely ignored by people who knew better. Now to be fair, that was not fishermen. I would have let anyone who asked fish my pond, but no one ever did.

Hunters hiding with rifles and zero orange. Guys tracking wounded deer without checking to see if it was ok, or if we were actively hunting. (I always gave permission to track and retrieve). A purposely trespassing group of trail runners called the Hash House Harriers. Wandering hikers walking through the property. People walking their dogs. People parking to do it. A drunk driver crashing behind my house - 1,000 feet down a private lane. A homeless guy camping. A naked prowler. And two breakins.

And people wonder why landowners post.
Lol. Yes, and I am still wondering why people post. Didn't all of this happen to you WITH your land posted?

I have one small chunk of my parents' land posted. It is the river access spot some of you have been to if you've been to the Juniata/WW Jam. I have it posted due to duck hunting purposes.
I own a small acreage (11 acres) and it's posted because I hunt and fish it (4" brookies) and my kids hike through it regularly. IMO, posting will become more and more common as "younger" generations become land owners. In my experience it's typically baby boomer gen and older that are more open to people they don't know accessing their property. I give props to anybody who let's people access their property especially if they haven't met said people. It's a trait I admire but don't possess.
I totally respect private property and stay off. When I see a property line that curves in a u shape outward at ends and that just happens to cut off access to miles of public land and my ONx shows otherwise ( a line running straight) I do have some real doubts about the posters truthfulness. I showed this to game warden and he shrugged his shoulders and said that he knew the guy. No follow up.
if its a farm or a house or some type of residence, I adhere to purple paint. you can clearly know when you are on someone's property. usually lawn chairs, farm equipment, animals, fences, etc. but if its a forest or state game lands next to a stream, i ignore it. guys think they own planet earth and want to own everything. i walk right past the purple paint and fish. if they want to come and confront me, bring it on i say. im just minding my business fishing i think most of it is for hunters anyway which i understand, big difference between a gun shot and a fly line in most peoples opinions.
This attitude right here is why I post my land.

You have no idea why I posted my land, but the fact of the matter is, it’s mine and unless you have permission, posted or not you should keep off it. I am usually more than willing to allow access to my property for most activities, but if I find you on my place without asking first, I’ll have you cited, no questions asked.

Having your land posted also makes trespassing citations a bit easier to issue and convict.

The purple paint has been a godsend. I can update my property lines less often, for less money and can be confident that the signs haven’t been removed. That happened before to every sign in about a 600 yard dog leg piece that borders a downstate camp. I’m always reluctant to attach signs with anything much heavier than a staple, as I timber my land every so often and don’t want metal in my logs.
Pushing limits is a really dangerous game these days. Sure, the crazy landowner who shoots you might end up in prison. That won't make the holes in you hurt less. I see people lose their minds over a lot less than their homes and property. It's just not worth trespassing to catch fish.
Pushing limits is a really dangerous game these days. Sure, the crazy landowner who shoots you might end up in prison. That won't make the holes in you hurt less. I see people lose their minds over a lot less than their homes and property. It's just not worth trespassing to catch fish.
Great post, you're so right. That's how an intelligent mind works.
When I owned a lot of acreage, I posted it because people had no respect for boundaries. Metal signs with my printed phone number went completely ignored by people who knew better. Now to be fair, that was not fishermen. I would have let anyone who asked fish my pond, but no one ever did.

Hunters hiding with rifles and zero orange. Guys tracking wounded deer without checking to see if it was ok, or if we were actively hunting. (I always gave permission to track and retrieve). A purposely trespassing group of trail runners called the Hash House Harriers. Wandering hikers walking through the property. People walking their dogs. People parking to do it. A drunk driver crashing behind my house - 1,000 feet down a private lane. A homeless guy camping. A naked prowler. And two breakins.

And people wonder why landowners post.
Very similar to my experience. I used to allow hunting to a handful of guys who asked prior permission. That stopped when an uninvited uncle of one of the guys got in my grill about trespassing on private (my) land lol!!
My land is contiguous to private land that borders a well known Westmoreland stocked stream. It gets totally trashed during trout season. As much as it saddens me, I never hold postings against the land owner.
It could be worse than purple paint. They could have chose hot pink or magenta.
Lol. Yes, and I am still wondering why people post. Didn't all of this happen to you WITH your land posted?

I have one small chunk of my parents' land posted. It is the river access spot some of you have been to if you've been to the Juniata/WW Jam. I have it posted due to duck hunting purposes.
Here's how it helps. You walk up on a guy in the woods, or sitting in a tree stand on your property. "Did you see the signs when you walked in?" "No? How about that one. Or that one?" Then I would ask them to leave and not come back. Sometimes they would sheepishly apologize and walk away. Sometimes they'd get loud and I'd just say, next time I'm calling the cops since you've been warned verbally and via signage. Signage makes a defiant trespass charge stick a little easier.

Some people are jerks. I get that. But it's nice to remind them that they made a conscious decision to be one.
In some areas onxay be quite accurate, in others not so much. The same goes for any online mapping of parcel boundaries, including county tax websites. I can show you multiple examples of public land boundaries being off by 100 yards or more.

I'm not sure which is worse purple paint everywhere or litter from plastic posted signs that fall apart each year. Both look hideous in my opinion, but I fully respect a private landowners ability to restrict access to their land.
You are absolutely correct. Years ago I was constantly battling gas company seismic testing on my land without permission. They were siting county tax data which was clearly inaccurate by 30 yards or more. Annoyed me to no end as I was constantly removing their data markers and shooing their employees off my land. I even found heavy equipment tracks up my driveway into my fields.
Bonzoso, should have pressed trespassing charges
Many here may find this Neanderthal Vigilante but I alway open carry when walking my land. 1st thing even the permitted, utility workers, surveyors, etc. notice. Sorry, I know we’re getting off-track - it’s where we are in todays “entitled” society.
Many here may find this Neanderthal Vigilante but I alway open carry when walking my land. 1st thing even the permitted, utility workers, surveyors, etc. notice. Sorry, I know we’re getting off-track - it’s where we are in todays “entitled” society.

I do the same thing on my property and where permitted when I fish. I'm not looking for trouble but want to be prepared if I run into any...
Here's how it helps. You walk up on a guy in the woods, or sitting in a tree stand on your property. "Did you see the signs when you walked in?" "No? How about that one. Or that one?" Then I would ask them to leave and not come back. Sometimes they would sheepishly apologize and walk away. Sometimes they'd get loud and I'd just say, next time I'm calling the cops since you've been warned verbally and via signage. Signage makes a defiant trespass charge stick a little easier.

Some people are jerks. I get that. But it's nice to remind them that they made a conscious decision to be one.
I was never saying it didn't mitigate some issues, but posted signs and purple paint are things I hate seeing everywhere, too. If you own it, post it. That's your right.

I've rarely ever been turned down when asking to use people's property. If you ask nicely most people are agreeable.
I've rarely ever been turned down when asking to use people's property. If you ask nicely most people are agreeable.
I'm thinking some property owners are perhaps happy/flattered to be asked for permission to be on their property if posted, increasing the odds of them granting access. A polite request goes a long way.