Public or Private?

troutbert wrote:
fisherboy3 wrote:
It was a dead tree half on the bank and the other half in 8 inches of water.

Why did he want the tree out of the stream?

If he didn't say and you don't know, that's OK.

I'm just curious why he wanted the tree out of the stream.

If we could convince people to leave fallen trees in the streams they would have much better habitat and support more and larger trout.

But knowing why they take them out in the first place might help when trying to convince them to change their practices.

An so the stream channel will move. He could lose quite a bit of land do to that move. I've seen it happen on more than one stream over the years.
So where the tree was, was out of the current. It was in an ankle high section of water right on his bank. The tree had fallen from his property. Unless he moved the tree 40 feet into the stream, then it was just an eyesore for him im sure and all it would do is collect garbage.
It's nice to hear you helped him move the tree. Being a new guest on their property is probably not a good time to question their decision to move a fallen tree. Discussions about stream habitat may come in time. Besides doing a good deed and making a new friend, you now have earned their respect and will hopefully be able to fish their property for years to come. This is how it should work!
fisherboy3 wrote:
So where the tree was, was out of the current. It was in an ankle high section of water right on his bank. The tree had fallen from his property. Unless he moved the tree 40 feet into the stream, then it was just an eyesore for him im sure and all it would do is collect garbage.

So he moved the tree because he considered it an eyesore.

Thanks, that's what I wanted to know.