Public Fly Ties

I agree with you that I overestimate the fish pursuation of my secret flies. But none the less, I don't want some pattern I came up with and have success with in every fly shop's fly bins, because the guy I show spreads it all over.

I have been getting better though. How many patterns have I shown on here in the last 6 months? Quite a few! This is more extreme than showing a close friend streamside. BTW, close friends don't see any either.

However, there are patterns I do show, simply because your average joe isn't willing to take the time to tie it or doesn't have the ability.

But I do carry a seperate small fly box for special patterns.
How secret can it be if I just told every one where I keep it.

Plus a lot of the patterns in my secret stash I have hinted to on this site (materials and techniques).

I've been getting better....
MKern wrote:
I agree with you that I overestimate the fish pursuation of my secret flies. But none the less, I don't want some pattern I came up with and have success with in every fly shop's fly bins, because the guy I show spreads it all over.

I have been getting better though. How many patterns have I shown on here in the last 6 months? Quite a few! This is more extreme than showing a close friend streamside. BTW, close friends don't see any either.

However, there are patterns I do show, simply because your average joe isn't willing to take the time to tie it or doesn't have the ability.

But I do carry a seperate small fly box for special patterns.

I'm not your average Joe, Mike.

The secret to secret flies is the confidence they give you.
I keep a couple secrets too-- how often I use junk flies and where I conceal my bobbers.
To all you guys that don't share ................ Why be selfish? Life is about sharing and learning. To get, you have to give. It is all about Karma. You tell me about a fly and I may share my secret fly with you.. You might be looking for I job and I may know someone that has one available that pays well. Offer me a kind word in a bar when I am on the road, and I will probably buy you a beer. I mean these are lessons that we all learned in kindergarten. Keep perpetuating the myth that fly fishermen are …. You guys can fill in the rest.
If MKern comes to the Jam, Jack can hold him down and I will tickle him until he forks over that secret box. :lol:
I really thought this was a joke about secret flies...

And secret boxes....

I keep secret flies for the fact I stated earlier about ones who don't practice catch and release fishing. And yes my pattern is extremely deadly...I'd be willing to put my one secret fly up against your's any day lol. Now will it out fish your's every time? probably not but I'd be willing to test it out just it won't be on my water lol thats a secret too!
My secret fly is a big treble hook with a few split shots crimped at the eye.

oops. Don't tell anyone. :)
Less speaketh, more pics of flyeths
Maurice wrote:
If MKern comes to the Jam, Jack can hold him down and I will tickle him until he forks over that secret box. :lol:

I'm getting too old for physical violence and have moved on to finesse techniques. We can just slip him a Mickey and wait 'til he spills his guts or when he passes out, we'll ransack his tent. We may need to involve others to rifle through BigJohn's tent too.

I once tried to keep a steelhead fly secret from Maurice, but he got a good look at it when he was removing it from the back of his fishing hat.... :-o
Bruno wrote:
I will probably buy you a beer.

There you go, what better reason to not keep secrets? Free beer!
ok here is one-------------
sandfly wrote:
ok here is one-------------

Hey those look good. Think I'm gonna steal that one. That's what happens when you hang around the Bucks TU crowd.
IMO, I think a persons confidence and experience in the flies they use are a bigger factor in how productive a fly works than just one certain pattern that catches all.

I know guys who have secret scud and cress bug patterns for Falling Springs that swear by them. Personally I have a streamer pattern that I swear by. Now if I fished their pattern or they fished mine, chances are the results won't be the same because they don't know the little movements I make to create a strike or I don't know how they place a split shot 8" vs 6" up the tippet to give the scud the perfect movement as it floats through the the water.
the pink nymph?
peeking caddis