Protect Yourself, Kids and Future Generations ACT NOW



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
u gotta be kidding me! what the heck are they thinking! :-o
You mean what the heck WERE they thinking (meaning the EPA under the Bush Admin.) ...the new legislation (authored by 5 democrats and an independent, BTW ) seeks to keep the info public. Its the EPA's 2006 rule change that blocks the public from the information.
Fortunately not all of industry is as backward as the Bush administration in providing such information to the public. You can find Toxic Release Inventory information as well as other information on things like greenhouse gas emissions, number of employee injuries, number of transportation incidents, etc. on This is from the American Chemistry Council and is their way of telling a good story about their accomplishments, but it’s still verifiable data. Unfortunately, it’s from companies that basically are trying to do the right thing, and you won’t find data here for those who don’t belong to the ACC. They also don’t provide information on the specific chemicals that are released. I just thought it was interesting that there are good companies who want to tell us what they’re doing, while some of our “leaders” and the Environmental “Protection” Agency are more interested in “protecting” the bad guys.