Project Healing Waters

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During the holiday season I like to take time and reflect on some of the exceptional things I learned about during the year. Project Healing Waters has been one of those special organizations that really stands out. As many of you know Project Healing Waters is a wonderful organization dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and veterans through fly fishing and fly tying education and outings.

Ed Nicholson, President of Healing Waters, as well as hundreds of others have taken time to work with disabled military personal to support and share with them the wonderful sport of fly fishing.

Pennsylvania has led the way in the Mid-Atlantic states with programs from the Hokendaqua Chapter of TU (Allentown), the Stanley Cooper Sr. Chapter of TU (Wilkes-Barre), and the Doc Fritchery Chapter of TU (Harrisburg) to name a few. To find more about this incredible program, or to make a donation, check out the PHW Web Site at:
Project Healing Waters

As through out all of the year, but especially during the holiday, lets all please take time and recognize the great work being done for some very special people.
Very nice video. Very worthy cause. I don't want to be the Grinch, but is there a way to stop it from auto-playing when I first enter the site? Or is that something I have to change in my browser?
That part gets a little annoying.. Or maybe I'm just getting old...:)

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Very nice video. Very worthy cause. I don't want to be the Grinch, but is there a way to stop it from auto-playing when I first enter the site? Or is that something I have to change in my browser?
That part gets a little annoying.. Or maybe I'm just getting old...:)

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Very nice video. Very worthy cause. I don't want to be the Grinch, but is there a way to stop it from auto-playing when I first enter the site? Or is that something I have to change in my browser?
That part gets a little annoying.. Or maybe I'm just getting old...:)

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The fact is we cannot do enough for our veterans, from those that served in WWII to the brave men and women who served in the Middle East. God bless them all. My personal thanks for what they did for their country, my family and me.

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The fact is we cannot do enough for our veterans, from those that served in WWII to the brave men and women who served in the Middle East. God bless them all. My personal thanks for what they did for their country, my family and me.

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The fact is we cannot do enough for our veterans, from those that served in WWII to the brave men and women who served in the Middle East. God bless them all. My personal thanks for what they did for their country, my family and me.

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This is absolutely a wonderful way to say thanks. Was wondering if someone had loads of fly tying and fishing magazines if they could be of use. Also fly tying supplies, lines etc, Where could they be sent?
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This is absolutely a wonderful way to say thanks. Was wondering if someone had loads of fly tying and fishing magazines if they could be of use. Also fly tying supplies, lines etc, Where could they be sent?
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This is absolutely a wonderful way to say thanks. Was wondering if someone had loads of fly tying and fishing magazines if they could be of use. Also fly tying supplies, lines etc, Where could they be sent?
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I bought it no less that five minutes ago on-line. It's a great way to go. Now I can be on the stream tomorrow without having to make that ever important pit stop.
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I voted that I won't buy one because Im old and don't need to get one every year.

Who ever said these are the golden years, lied like hell!

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I always buy mine in Jan. although every year I think about the purchase in Dec.
I haven't got mine yet, but I seriously contemplated it last night at walmert. However, I think I'm going to try the online thing -- if I can at work.

BTW, with the new computer system for buying lisences will keep your information if you loose it -- no recite needed.
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Usually I buy mine in December so that I don't have to rush to get one if the steelhead water is still open. This year it probably won't be till March. I just don't have time right now to do much of anything. Haven't tied a fly in about 2 months. I will get some fishing in but I won't go out of my way right now to do so. If something comes up (like steelhead in a few weeks) I'll jump online and purchase one.
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Depends on weather trends. Last year I bought one in early Feb, the year before that early April...I'll probaly buy one some time in March this year..I haven't gotten a MD license either...It's been a cold winter for us dry fly fisherman.
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bought mine December 2009 on-line, have already used it a few times
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I had some spare time at work today and got mine online. That is easy.
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bought mine dec 30th fished atleast 6 times already
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Last year I was fishing in January and completely forgot about getting a new license until I was at Stony Creek on a cold day and went to take it off my hat.
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Thanks for the heads up. Supposed to fish tomorrow and have not bought one yet.
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