Problems with Zebra Midge



May 26, 2020
On my local creek, am finding a size 18 Zebra Midge is really hot for me right now. So hot, no other nymphs seem to be working. I am having solid hook-ups but problem I am having is when I go to land/net the trout, they are shaking loose. Am making sure I am keeping side pressure on but still having issues. Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong? All suggestions will be appreciated.
perfect release. if you get near the net you had all the fun. i love it when that happens
Agree with the above. But in case that was not the suggestion you were looking for:

Try a slightly different hook

Don't wrap around the bend as far

Use a little less pressure at the net

Try tying a #18 Zebra on a size 16 TMC2457 hook, sparsely dressed to get a little more gap. It will be equally effective, if not more so. Dai-Riki makes an offset scud hook that might help if you’re still having issues (Dai-Riki 135).
FYI Dai-riki has been out of business for a few years now and those hooks are hard/impossible to find.
Any time you go smaller in hook size you lose more fish as the hook gap decreases. I was loosing a lot of fish with a #20 zebra midge the other day and went to an 18 and my percentage of fish landed to hooked increased a lot.

Also found that when fish are really biting they tend to be hooked better. The other day I was fishing a #20 and fish weren't biting well and really had to be coaxed. Caught quite a few, but I bet a third of them were foul hooked. Once they've seen so many lures and flies I think a lot of times they take a swipe at your fly and change there mind at the last second and you wind up hooking them outside the mouth or in the side or even in fins or tail.

It's been my experience that I get diminishing returns with hooking efficacy once size goes smaller than about #20. This is made worse with bead heads. Beads are only so small and when you put 'em on hooks much smaller than about #22 the bead closes most of the hook gap. Because of this, I tie my beads on midge larva off the bend with mono rather than putting them on the actual hook.

Check your zebra midges and verify that the bead doesn't close the hook bite. Another problem is body wrapping extending down around the hook bend, this can also reduce hooking.
I've had great luck with TMC 2457 scud hooks (or other brand equivalent) for zebras or other small flies. They are 2X wide and 2X short. Therefore a size 20 has the bite of a size 18 and the shank length of a size 22.

Read the specs in the link below. Also other anglers agree with me, read the reviews in the link.
Hey thanks guys, all great advice and I really appreciate it!
@Dave W.

The bead on mono is a cool idea!
i agree with daveW, once you go below 18, forget the bead
I fish 20 to 26 size flies and have found that as soon as I let pressure off the fish they usually get off.
For me that make me happy because of trying to get a small fly out of a wiggly fish.
It's a win win for both of us.
I use Zs quite a bit as well. One tip I have learned (but not sure how effective it is) is to bend your hook a bit off center. I do this for size 20+. Love to hear others experience on how effective this approach is.
Great question and you got some excellent replies. Another suggestion that has worked for me has been to switch to a jig hook in smaller sizes (barbless). Some of the cheaper ones will bend out with any pressure on a medium-sized fish, but Hanak H 480 BL's have been excellent for me. Paired with a slotted tungsten bead, they've handled lots of fish so far this season.

I can tell you that when fly fishing for wild versus stocked fish, my landing percentage drops for the former, especially in smaller sizes. They love to wiggle!

Finally, I'd love to take a peek at the Zebra you've used with the problems. Someone mentioned that materials may be tied down the bend, which may be it. If you can't share here, shoot me an email: Now if it’s a secret version, don’t share it with anyone BUT me. ;-)

Also, a friend of mine ties an "Improved" Zebra Midge that works awesome as a dropper fly. I recorded him on my channel. Link: Improved Zebra Midge

Hope you get this figured out!


Rainier42 wrote:
On my local creek, am finding a size 18 Zebra Midge is really hot for me right now. So hot, no other nymphs seem to be working. I am having solid hook-ups but problem I am having is when I go to land/net the trout, they are shaking loose. Am making sure I am keeping side pressure on but still having issues. Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong? All suggestions will be appreciated.