Prescription sunglasses or contacts?

Good topic-

I'm looking for the type of polarized sunglasses that have the little magnifier in the lense at the bottom. Are they still around?
Any help would be appreciated.


Dear Mick,

I'm not sure if this will fit your needs, but you can buy magnifying lens that you place over the lens of polarized glasses. The lenses stick by static cling like those oil change reminder stickers they put on your windshield and come in a variety of strengths. Many fly shops handle them and you can probably find them in a large pharmacy or any optical store.

Tim Murphy :)
For those of you that wear the fit-over type of sunglasses; have you ever seen Brimz?

These babies clip right on the visor of your hat and flip up or down as needed. They come in a polorized version and the quality is very good. They have no ear pieces so I find them cooler in the hot weather and you can't lose them unless you loose your hat.

I've had mine for about 3 years or more and I love them. Fortunately I only need magnifiers to see the bloody fly so flip down Hat Eyes do the trick for me...

...right now.
Tim and Bamboozle, two great idea's thank you very much.

I'm just coming back to fishing after not have done any since Oct. 1995. My best fishing buddy was my son Eric, he and I were fishing togethrer about 90% of our fishing time. I lost Eric in 1995 when he died in a Navy helicopter crash at 23 years of age. I said at that time I would never fish or hunt again. Well as we all know, time heals all wounds. I can't say that the wound is healed, I hope in some way it never is, if you know what i mean.
Anyway I'm back and I'm sure Eric is saying"its about time" I look forward to reading this forum and hopefully with the help of you people I will get back up to speed in my knowledge in this great sport.

Thanks again,


Nice to have you involved with the sport again. I hope your time on the stream brings back pleasant memories of time spent with Eric.

I want to thank everyone for helping to sketch out the pros and cons of all the options for polarization for those of us who need vision correction.

Sorry to hear the bad news about your son.

Anway, before I got my prescription polarized bifocals, I bought a pair of sunglasses from Cabelas called solar focus I believe - they're polarized with small magnifying windows in the bottom that come in 2 powers - 1.5 and 2 x. They worked fine and were cheap enough. However the frames are pretty heavy, and after fishing a few hours with them, I would get a headache
Dryflyguy, thank you. I did find a pair as you discribed. I also think they will get a little heavy after a while, we'll see.

Thanks again,
