Preferred FFing method

What FFing technique do you like to fish most?

  • Dry Fly or Popper

    Votes: 65 55.6%
  • Wet Fly

    Votes: 13 11.1%
  • Nymphing

    Votes: 24 20.5%
  • Streamers

    Votes: 15 12.8%

  • Total voters
I fish wet flies about 80% of the time, dry fly another 15%, and streamers the remainder of the time. I can't stand nymph fishing, and haven't done any in a couple of decades.
I kind of am set up for all of them which is why I have the Four Rod Fly Rod Vault on my Jeep Liberty. If the woolybuggers don't work, switch rods for wet flies, or dry dropper. I could retie what is already on the fly rod I am fishing, but this way is easier.

I am also experimenting with euro-nymphing.

I also have my grandfather's Orvis Battenkill bamboo fly rod ready to honor him, and my father's fly rods. I can't fish them all, but I have enough of them pre-rigged and ready to fish.
For trout, STRICTLY throwing 3 wet flies 99% of the time. Then articulating streamers.
You might want to get a screen name that reflects your interests 😁
I really have acquired a love for fishing wet flies over the past 10 years. I truly enjoy wading down through the middle of a knee deep riffle and swinging a 3 fly wet fly rig hitting all the pockets, runs and seams on both sides of the creek. A very relaxing, effective and almost therapeutic way to fish as the years continue to slip away.
Given the choice, love pursuing rising fish. Guess I'd have to pick that as #1. Also love nymphing and can tolerate streamers. Haven't done much wet fly swinging in years.
I prefer to fish in manner best suited for the conditions. I don't try to force fish to do what I want (or wish and hope that they do). My brain just doesn't work that way. I usually have a good idea how many fish are actually in water that I'm fishing and I can't trick myself into thinking that I'm doing it "right" by catching one or two on a dry (for example) when I know some other technique would produce better results. I guess I take the same sort of pleasure in being versatile that others get from fishing only in one way most of the time.
Dry fly fishing IF I can't target a single fish.

Wet Flies are my favorite way to catch trout when I can't target a single fish. I also just like one style over the other randomly from time to time.
I enjoy dry fly fishing, when trout are taking dry flies.

I also enjoy nymph fishing. I never use bobbers. And I'm not really euro-nymphing either. For lack of a better term, it's "old-school nymphing", the way people fished from the time nymph fishing began in the early 1900s up to about the mid1970s, which was about when "bobbers" came into use.
I voted " Streamer" but I do enjoy dryfly fishing at times and nymphing now and then.
What I prefer isn't always (mostly isn't) what is effective. But since the question is about PREFERENCE...well...
My most commonly used method is nymphing, but I really would like to learn how to effectively fish wet flies and streamers.
I love fishing dry flies. I do it even when I know I shouldn't be. Err...when it's not the most productive method. I'm fine with how I fish and how many fish I catch.
Normally, three wets.
However, there are times when you have to use a dry, or a streamer to catch fish .
In order:

1) dry flies (when trout are taking dry flies)

2) nymphs (never with a bobber and not "euro" either.

3) streamers (when the water is high and off color)

4) wet flies (use sometimes, but not regularly, unless you consider a Sinking Inchworm a wet fly)
Dry fly, only because the majority of my fishing is for wild Brookies.
Any other time, my go to is nymph/soft hackles.
I love dry fly fishing, probably fish dry droppers most of my time fly fishing as I target small to medium mountain streams.

I do all fly fishing techniques, but rarely wet fly fish. Enjoy streamers on a very condition specific basis.

Almost never nymph fish with a bobber
Dave I'm shocked at your response. I'm surprised it's not 100%.
I have fished w/, and have SEEN him use a dry fly on more than one occasion. But I promise, I won't tell nobody