practice casting

Chaz wrote:
I'll buy the frisbee thing, but hoola hoops won't get you accuracy.
hoola hoops dont teach you accuracy. i agree. They teach you distance, angles, and coordination. It also helps newbs zone in their PRECISION. It did for me when i started.

I agree with whomever that suggested yard casting is not a true representation. If you have a pool. use it for your pick up and lay down. Surface tension plays a big roll in the cast.
However I digress... of course you know the distinction between precision and accuracy.

Dude Do what ever works for you and ignore all the rest. Even if its me or a seasoned fisherman. Dont be intimidated by others... cut your own path. "If it works.... It's right!" (Eddie VanHalen)
Hoola hoops will tighten your loops and promote accuracy, at least I feel they will if used in the following way. Get a pole of some sort and tape a hoola hoop to it at any height, either stand facing it or with it behind you. Now put your cast through it, (getting it in and back out again without touching it is harder than you think)stand at different angles and distances from it. If you have zero patience do not try this. Although not impossible, this exercise will test it. Once you become very good, put one in front and one behind and really get red faced. :lol:

This all depends on the distance you are from the Hoola hoop when casting. The further away the smaller it becomes.
A funny thing to think about (I'm an analyst) is if you use the hoola hoop for what it is designed for and can still cast to a target, without dropping the hoop - I believe it will make you more accurate. Also, this trick may get you prepared for slippery rocks and stuff.
Why not have some fun with this one. Let's all practice with the hoola hoop and have a little competition at the next Jamboree??????
Let's all practice with the hoola hoop and have a little competition at the next Jamboree??????

haha. For me, I'll walk up to about 15 feet and bow and arrow cast through it no problem, first time. You can even put one behind me, no problem! ;)
I cut a 1-2" section of paracord to tie on to the leader as my fly. It frays a little at the end and has the right amount of weight. I think it acts more like a fly than yarn. Depending on what size fly you are practicing for, cut it longer or shorter.
Thanks again to everyone for the responses. got a couple hours of practice in this week and my sucktitude decreased a bit.
went out on buffallo creek yesterday for a couple hours of practice (didnt catch anything). I didnt try the hoola hoop thing on the stream tho. Only lost one fly when I overcasted into a log. Will continue to practice and listen to everyone's advice. Thanks again Norm
Another tip, you may already know. When you get hung up and you know you will have to break it off, pull the line with the rod pointed straight at the fly. Don't flex the rod until the line breaks...your rod might give first!
Actually, when hung up it is not a good idea to point the rod directly at the fly. When things let loose it comes back directly at the rod tip and rod tips can get broken that way. It is recommended that you carefully give yourself enough line beyond the rod tip that you pull the line off to the side of the rod and that way you don't jeopardize any of your equipment.
that's even better!
pro4mance wrote:
Thanks again to everyone for the responses. got a couple hours of practice in this week and my sucktitude decreased a bit.
went out on buffallo creek yesterday for a couple hours of practice (didnt catch anything). I didnt try the hoola hoop thing on the stream tho. Only lost one fly when I overcasted into a log. Will continue to practice and listen to everyone's advice. Thanks again Norm

We all had to learn to crawl before we were able to walk... This same phrase also applies to Flyfishing. I continue to hone my skills and practice at every chance I can. Each type of line, line weight, fly type and size all need to be treated similar with slight modifications.
I like to look at everything as a puzzle. It keeps my mind in challenge mode. If i look at it as a problem I have a tendecy to get frustrated.
In looking at what you said about losing a fly to a log..Do you have a pair of waders? I have gotten hung up many times and would have lost many flies if I did'nt have waders on. Since I don't keep track of how many flies I loose (only Trout caught) I cannot say, but It's been many even with waders on.

P.S. the Hoola Hoop thing should only be practiced on land. The rocks in themselves are slippery enough.
I do have waders but didnt want to chance the deeper water that day
Sometimes when I get snagged in a tree or on a branch i'll wade through the shallowest area to get to it. This may include letting out lots of line in order to get around a deep pocket. I have also used my fly rod and line to pull a branch down to me to retreive a fly. Maybe I should look at modifying a walking stick to be able to assist in this area.
Hey ryguyfi when and where is that newbie jam I would definetly be interested for me and my son to go to something like that. Thanks
johnh wrote:
Hey ryguyfi when and where is that newbie jam I would definetly be interested for me and my son to go to something like that. Thanks

Was the end of March last year at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus then on stream at the Little Lehigh....great time. My daughter wants to come this year....
johnh wrote:
Hey ryguyfi when and where is that newbie jam I would definetly be interested for me and my son to go to something like that. Thanks

Hi John - This year will be the third year for the Newbie Jam.

While I haven't finalized the date yet, we're looking at March 16th, with April 6th as a backup date.

March 16th is the likely day, and we may even choose to do something April 6th as a "review" kind of thing. We did several review days last year for people that wanted additional help, or for those that couldn't make the original Newbie Jam.

I'll make a post in the Events Forum as well as the Beginner's Forum announcing this event when we get a bit more planning done on it.

Last year, pcray co-hosted this event with me, and we're adding Foxgap239 in this year as well. It'll be held at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus in the morning, with lunch at a local restaurant, and an onstream portion down at the Little Lehigh by the fly shop in the afternoon.

Stay tuned....

Ed, Do you have an idea when you will be making the decision on the date? My wife tentatively made my sons B-day party for the 16th and b4 I even try to persuade her to move it, I want to be sure .. thanks much.

Per practice casting .. when I began FF last year I attached a fly and practiced casting in my yard. I couldn't even think of flinging them at leaves like Chaz so I used my daughters hula hoops to practice my accuracy. If I can get the fly in that hula hoop range per my target, on the water, I am a very happy man.
Stagger_Lee wrote:
Ed, Do you have an idea when you will be making the decision on the date?

Later today.
Ah .. thanks ed!

I'm might have to do some serious convincing over the next week.
I thought this forum topic was about practice casting????
Thanks thats awesome thanks guys and yeah sorry newbie couldnt figure pm sorry