Possum hide


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I found a deal on possum pelts. Only one problem there don’t seem to be many trying recipes for dry flies and nymphs. I don’t tie many streamers.

I’m sure I’ve turned to the right people for help in this situation.
I’ll supply some fur to the best contributions.
Disclaimer: All players must be adults or at least claim to be. Doctors note as to sanity a prerequisite. Consent of your significant other in writing and notarized must be submitted with your entry. Offer not valid in Oregon (I never liked that place). I am the sole and exclusive arbiter of the winner. I will share all entries and the privacy of your personal data is guaranteed by Elon. There’s more fine print but at my age I can’t remember what the heck it is.
I found a deal on possum pelts. Only one problem there don’t seem to be many trying recipes for dry flies and nymphs. I don’t tie many streamers.

I’m sure I’ve turned to the right people for help in this situation.
I’ll supply some fur to the best contributions.
Disclaimer: All players must be adults or at least claim to be. Doctors note as to sanity a prerequisite. Consent of your significant other in writing and notarized must be submitted with your entry. Offer not valid in Oregon (I never liked that place). I am the sole and exclusive arbiter of the winner. I will share all entries and the privacy of your personal data is guaranteed by Elon. There’s more fine print but at my age I can’t remember what the heck it is.
Possum fur makes great dubbing,it can be died,or used naturally. I used to use commercially made osem possum, I now make my own
i've been looking for a possum pelt for the ragworm streamer pattern i tied in the fly swap. i wound up using rabbit as i couldn't source some possum.
Possum fur makes great dubbing,it can be died,or used naturally. I used to use commercially made osem possum, I now make my own
Can you suggest a couple of types of flies that you use it for?
Can you suggest a couple of types of flies that you use it for?
i tie my ausable wulff with burnt orange awesome possum dubbing.

Ausable Wulff 3.JPG